Your Coronavirus Headlines
May 27, 2020
Beaches on Key Biscayne
Our Village Manager and Mayor are working with Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez and his senior staff, and the mayors and city managers of all of Miami-Dade County's coastal municipalities, to prepare for the reopening of beaches on Monday, June 1. We anticipate condo pools and hotels to also open with certain restrictions on June 1. The County and the Village are also coordinating with the Governor's office to establish safe guidelines for reopening Bill Baggs State Park--date TBD.

In order for everyone to enjoy the reopening of beaches and the lift of other restrictions, and to avoid a resurgence in the coronavirus, everyone must continue to be socially responsible. Those that have not been socially responsible must change their behavior and selflessly think of others, rather than selfishly only think about themselves. Remember, you wear a facial covering to protect those around you, and others wear a facial covering to protect you. #KeyBiscayneNice

Here are some updates: 
  1. Target date for the reopening of hotels, pools in condos, and beaches is Monday, June 1.
  2. The guidelines for Summer camps, sports, and childcare are being finalized by the County with a target reopening date of Monday, June 8.
  3. Dog Parks are also being looked at and are expected to reopen soon, as are more permitted activities in parks, including doubles tennis.
  4. A lot of work is taking place with a County Wellness Working Group on recommendations for gyms, yoga studios, dance studios, martial arts studios, and other wellness facilities. The County’s medical team is working with this group closely on the recommendations. As of today, there is no target date for the reopening of these entities.

Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez held a virtual press conference earlier today to discuss the plan to reopen Miami-Dade County beaches, hotels and pools. Click the video below to watch.
Additionally, a draft of the guidelines indicates there will be a requirement for all beachgoers to have facial covering ready to use at all times and to practice social distancing. Restrooms must have dedicated attendants. No organized or group activities and athletics involving groups of any size (e.g., volleyball, football, soccer, frisbee, etc.) will be permitted. No special events, including picnics, no use of exercise equipment and playgrounds, and no fishing. The rules will be enforced and non-adherence could result in removal. This is preliminary. Final guidelines will be shared in the coming days.
Key Biscayne Community Center
Key Biscayne Graduation Parade
We are so proud of all of our 2020 graduates. Since we can't celebrate in typical fashion, we have prepared an alternative celebration. The parade will take place on Wednesday, June 3 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Participants will include 2020 graduates of 8 th grade, high school, and college. Participants are not required to RSVP but must be in the staging area by 6:15 p.m. to participate.

The staging ground for the parade will be St. Agnes for graduating 8 th graders, and the parking lots of Crossbridge Church for graduating high school seniors and college graduates. Each group will be led by KBPD. Once the last car in each group has left the staging area the following group will begin.

All participants must stay inside their vehicles, whether car, truck, or golf cart, and only one graduate per car is permitted, unless the graduates are siblings. Graduates are encouraged to decorate their vehicles and show school spirit.

The route will take participants east on Harbor Dr. to Crandon Blvd., then south along Crandon Blvd. to Village Green Way. There is absolutely no stopping of vehicles along the parade route. All spectators must practice social distancing and remain on the sidewalk. Songs and announcements to be played on WSQF 94.5 FM during the parade.

Community Engagement
Virtual Town Hall Meeting
Tomorrow , Thursday, May 28 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Village Manager Andrea Agha will host a Town Hall Meeting via Zoom to discuss how the Village of Key Biscayne is moving to a New Normal. The meeting will also be broadcast on Channel 77.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 231 627 8415
COVID-19 on the Key: Cases and Testing
The number of positive cases in Miami-Dade County continues to rise, with a dramatic increase reported since reopening. As of today's FDOH report, Miami-Dade County has 17,225 positive cases, accounting for nearly 33% of the total cases in Florida . Although the reported number of positive cases in the Village has not increased, that does not mean that we are out of danger. Everyone must continue to take all possible precautions.

The Village of Key Biscayne has a strong partnership with the Key Biscayne Community Foundation. Since mid-April when the drive-thru testing site was first established, we have tested 924 residents. This has been a truly collaborative effort between the Foundation and your Village government, and we are proud to be able to work together to serve residents during these trying times.
Maintain Safe Behavioral Practices
  • Social distancing (specifically, staying 6 feet away from others when you must go into a shared space)
  • Frequently washing hands or use alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available
  • Wearing face coverings
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Staying home when sick
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
It’s important to continue to follow federal, state, and local guidance.
Village of Key Biscayne Resources
Stay Connected
Your Village Government 
Mayor Michael W. Davey
Vice Mayor Brett Moss  
Luis Lauredo
Edward London
Allison McCormick
Katie Petros
Ignacio J. Segurola
  Village Manager Andrea Agha
Interim Village Clerk Peter J. Kulpa
Village Attorneys Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman

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