Tips for Planning Your Fall COVID-19 Booster Shot

The Atlantic provides an overview of the new bivalent vaccine doses, and has recommendations about who should get the new shot and when.  

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CDC Updates Guidance on Monkeypox and COVID-19

Epstein Becker Green provides a snapshot of the updated CDC guidance, as well as an update on the return of pay data reporting by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 


Dozens of Companies Commit to Covering Travel Expenses

The New York Times examines prominent companies committed to helping their employees access healthcare services that may be unavailable in their home states following the recent SCOTUS opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson. 

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FREE Event: 32BJ Health Fund’s Sept. 22 Fall Conference

Register now for the 32BJ Health Fund’s Fall Conference, “Hospital Prices: the Policy and the Practical,” organized in partnership with City & State and the 32BJ Labor Industry Cooperation Fund. Thursday, Sept. 22, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM EDT. 


NYC to Require Bias Audits of AI-Technology in 2023

SHRM reports on an NYC law going into effect in early 2023 that will prohibit employers from using AI and algorithm-based technologies for recruiting, hiring or promotion.

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Study Finds Cancer Deaths Globally are Attributable to Preventable Risk

A new study from The Lancet finds that nearly half of cancer deaths can be attributable to preventable risk factors.


Student-Debt Relief and Issues for Workplace Benefits

SHRM takes a look into navigating loan forgiveness and employee benefits around debt relief.

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How to Break the Data Gridlock 

Catalyst for Payment Reform has identified seven ways in which access to health care data is restricted, and offers tips for unlocking it. 


Compliance Update from ADP

Learn more about current NY and NYC worker protections that have recently been updated and some that are soon to be enacted from this comprehensive ADP post.

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