The Gavilan College COVID-19 Update will be published every Monday and Thursday through the summer. View past updates
A special message from
Eloy Ortiz Oakley, Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
  • All locations of Gavilan College are closed to the public.
  • Summer registration is underway.
  • Summer classes start June 15
  • Gavilan College staff will continue Shelter-in-Place protocols for the forseeable future. Follow emailed directions for Return-to-Campus days to retrieve items from your office or return borrowed items, cuch as library books and laptops, to the college.
  • Gavilan College Social Distancing Guidelines
Summer classes start June 15 -- all classes are online
FALL 2020
  • Fall 2020 classes, services, and activities will be offered primarily online, except for those programs where licensing requirements or the nature of the matieral require face-to-face instruction.
  • When face-to-face instruction takes place, it will be in accordance with appropriate practices for sanitizing and social distancing in accordance with public health guidelines.
  • Registration for Fall classes will begin on June 22
Please join us in congratulating Gavilan College Custodial Staff - Gavilan College's Employee of the Month for May 2020!
Custodians are and continue to be the first line of defense for keeping the College free of dirt, germs and viruses. All custodians stepped up to the challenge of a massive deep cleaning and disinfecting of the entire campus and the off-sites. 

They donned Tyvek suits that made them look like astronauts, gloves and N95 face masks and cleaned, disinfected and sprayed every surface in every office/space in every building on all 5 sites (Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Coyote, San Martin and Hollister) totaling 298,217 square feet.

If that isn’t enough to scare anyone - all of this came after five hours of extensive COVID-19 training over a period of two days followed by respirator fit testing. These people braved the training, the news media, fears from their families, and finally their own fears. They took leadership roles while working with short term substitute custodians hired to assist with the massive initial deep cleaning, and continue to take ownership for their assigned buildings/areas while performing additional deep cleaning activities after staff members come on to campus.

They are Gavilan College’s front line workers, and we all appreciate their extreme efforts to keep us safe!

  • NEW - Santa Clara County Order to Shelter-in-Place was updated today. Effective June 5, several new categories of businesses and activities to reopen, subject to specific conditions and limitations. It also keeps key restrictions in place, requiring people to stay in their homes except when engaging in certain essential or allowed activities. Additional businesses will include outdoor dining at restaurants and other facilities that prepare and serve food, retail and shopping centers for in-store shopping, childcare, summer camps, summer school, and all other educational or recreational programs for all children, in stable groups of up to 12 children; All manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics, house cleaning and other no-contact in-home services, low contact/no contact service businesses such as shoe repair, watch repair, and other similar services, subject to limitations/social distancing and all pet grooming. Additional activities will include outdoor small ceremonies and religious services, in groups no larger than 25; outdoor recreational activities that do not involve physical contact, with social distancing, including swimming pools, hiking, tennis, golf, etc., camping, subject to limitations/social distancing, drive-in theaters and other car-based gatherings.

  • NEW- work2future Virtual Career Fair on June 11: work2future will host their second virtual career fair via Zoom Webinar on June 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A dozen employers from government, business, technology, manufacturing, construction, and other industries will be actively recruiting for essential and remote work positions available right now. Free online pre-registration is required. A complete list of participating employers, open positions, and registration information can be found at

  • NEW - Free Summer Camp Opportunities for Qualifying Youth: Children ages 18 and under who live in Santa Clara County and are either qualified for CalWORKS or CalFresh benefits (such as free or reduced price meals), a current or former foster youth, on probation, or have special needs, can go to summer camp for free this year. More information is available on the County’s Social Services Agency website. The Santa Clara County Public Health Department has issued specific guidance on how summer programs can operate safely, including limiting the number of children per group and following the County’s health protocols.  

  • NEW - Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley will participate in a webinar called The Future of Work: The Education-to-Employment Pipeline on Thursday, June 4 at 10:00 a.m. CalMatters and the Milken Institute will host the virtual discussion about California’s response, recovery in the wake of the pandemic and what the “Future of Work” means now to educators, employers, college students and cities across the state. Learn more and register at this link.

  • NEW - SAN JOSE CURFEW: Effective Sunday, May 31: City Manager Dave Sykes has implemented a citywide curfew via a Local Proclamation of Emergency. The curfew will be in effect from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m., beginning Sunday, May 31 for the next 7 days or until further notice.

  • Rental assistance for Morgan Hill, Coyote, and San Martin Residents - Call 408-778-2928. Messages are returned daily.
  • Medi-Nurse” line - for Medi-Cal patients without a health plan and uninsured Californians. The line is 1-877-409-9052 and is available 24/7 for COVID-19 concerns or for general medical issues.