Update from Gavilan College: May 21, 2020
Summer classes start June 15 -- all online
Congratulations to the class of 2020,
from the faculty and staff of the Accessible Education Center!
Congratulations to all of the students who will be TRANSFERRING in Fall 2020!
Check out the Signing Day Slide show!

ADD YOUR INFORMATION HERE. Let us celebrate with you!

Virtual End of Year Celebration -

Celebrate the end of our Centennial Year, Celebrate the Graduates of 2020 and connect with faculty, staff, and students #togetherapart. (NOTE: this is not a Graduation Ceremony -- that will happen IN PERSON December 19-21!)


NEW - University of California President Janet Napolitano said this week “ every campus will be open and offering instruction ” this fall, but said she “anticipates that most, if not all of our campuses, will operate in some kind of hybrid mode.” California State University Chancellor Timothy White announced last week the CSU system is preparing for online-only instruction this fall.

NEW - Volunteers Needed for Massive Contact Tracing Effort : The County of Santa Clara needs volunteers to support COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing, to support efforts to quickly contain transmission of the Coronavirus and prevent widespread transmission. Contact tracing capacity is one of f i ve key indicators monitored by Bay Area Health Officers as they consider further easing shelter-in-place orders. The County has a goal of building a workforce of nearly 1,000 people – Volunteers from the community are needed to fill key roles. If you have reliable internet, access to a computer, and a place to make private phone calls, SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER There is a high need for languages other than English, particularly Spanish and Vietnamese.

NEW- Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants – UPDATED HOTLINE NUMBER : Now through June 30, Santa Clara County residents can apply to Catholic Charities for the Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Program, which provides one-time, state-funded disaster relief assistance to adult undocumented immigrant adults who are ineligible for other forms of federal assistance. An undocumented adult who qualifies will receive $500 of direct cash assistance (maximum of $1000 per household), provided on a first come, first serve basis. Call the new hotline at 415-324-1011. More information can be found here .  
  • St. Vincent de Paul is providing rental assistance for Morgan Hill, Coyote, and San Martin Residents - Call 408-778-2928. Messages are returned daily.
  • Shelter in Place Kits (SHIP KITS): (SHIP) Kits provide medical, nutritional, and emotional support for Santa Clara County residents negatively impacted by COVID-19. Kits include non-perishable food items, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, games, and other items, depending on availability. SHIP Kits are targeted to families in need with children ages 6 to 12 and hourly-wage earners. Kit components are sourced from the local economy, when possible. Residents can sign up for a kit or learn how to volunteer or donate at the SHIP Kits website. 

  • San Benito County
  • Santa Clara County
  • Free COVID-19 testing is now available for Santa Clara County residents, asymptomatic or otherwise, at PAL Stadium in East San José and the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. Testing sites are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at both locations and residents need to schedule an appointment to get tested. To be eligible for testing, residents must be 18 years or older, and electronically sign a COVID-19 Public Health Authorization Form and Lab Consent. 

  • Go to Stayenrolled.com to find out the latest information you need to know about Community Colleges during COVID-19
  • Medi-Nurse” line - for Medi-Cal patients without a health plan and uninsured Californians. The line is https://1-877-409-9052 and is available 24/7 for COVID-19 concerns or for general medical issues.

 NEW - WEBINAR: How to Express Care with a focus on Racial Equity
Thursday, May 28, 2020 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
This session is informed by common assumptions that racially minoritized students are deficient. Often times instructor’s and administrators’ responses imply that “racial equity” means to provide interventions that “fix students.” This session will critically address how to provide authentic care to students with a focus on racial equity. Register at this link .
Coping with COVID-19: Mental Health Tips for Children and Families
This webinar shares mental health coping strategies for children and families. It is essential that parents utilize self-care to manage their stress and model coping and hope for their children at this difficult time. Tips are provided to help parents balance three roles; parenting, home schooling and working remotely. Children who are being home schooled need structure and a balance of activities and must keep their brains and bodies occupied. This webinar discusses how to develop and maintain a schedule for children and the importance of getting their input through conducting family meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here  to download the presentation as a PDF.
Click here  to view Frequently Asked Questions from the webinar as a PDF.
  • All locations of Gavilan College are closed, and all instruction and services are being provided in online format.The campus, including tennis courts, track, and golf course,is closed to the public
  • Summer registration is underway. Summer classes start June 15
  • Fall registration will begin on June 22
  • Graduation has been postponed until Fall 2020, tentatively to be scheduled by department December 19-21. Read letter from Dr. Rose
FALL 2020
  • Fall 2020 classes, services, and activities will be offered primarily online, except for those programs where licensing requirements or the nature of the matieral require face-to-face instruction.
  • When face-to-face instruction takes place, it will be in accordance with appropriate practices for sanitizing and social distancing in accordance with public health guidelines.
  • Registration for Fall classes will begin on June 22