Delta County has always been and will continue to be a
Fiercely Resilient community that supports each other: Taking Heart, Taking Part, and Taking Action
From the first responders, doctors and nurses to grocery store employees, delivery drivers and beyond, every day we are proving that we are stronger together.
No one can see into the future, but even in this time of crisis we know that it is bright. When a community comes together, we learn more from each other than we ever thought possible. It’s a time to help each other, treat our neighbors with kindness, and try to focus on what good we can do.
Delta County Memorial Hospital (DCMH) remains dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of our patients, staff and community, and we will continue to provide you with resources, insights and information regarding COVID-19. DCMH and other local agencies have combined our efforts to keep the community informed and safe during this time.
In the coming weeks we want to encourage everyone to be productive, encourage hope, keep busy, and share all of it with us using
on all social media platforms.
Some things we can do during this time to stay busy is to: read a great book, listen to your favorite new podcast, try a new at-home exercise, help an elderly neighbor with their yard work, start a puzzle, learn a new language, or take a hike outside at a location that allows you to maintain a safe distance from others. Whatever it is you choose to do, remember that your health, safety and sanity are a priority.
We know that this is a hard time and we are all feeling the effects of the pandemic, but we are with you through it all, and we know that our community will come out of this stronger than ever.
Stay healthy and safe. And thank you for being the best part of Delta County,
Jacque Davis, MHA
Delta County Memorial Hospital
Marketing Director & Public Information Officer
The Hospital and Clinics will be conducting verbal screenings for all persons prior to entering any DCMH facilities.
- The Hospital and clinics will remain open for normal business hours, but patients must ring the doorbell at the clinics to be verbally screened before entering.
- Scheduled patients at the DCMH Hospital and clinics are being asked to arrive a few minutes in advance of their appointment to allow time for the verbal screening.
DCMH has also enforced new visitor restrictions to ensure the safety of our Hospital and Community:
- Those with respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, etc. are restricted at this time.
- Visitors are limited to two dedicated adult visitors per patient.
- No visitors under age 18 allowed.
- Please do not bring any gifts/flowers from outside of the hospital.
- No pets.
DCMH education classrooms are also being suspended for use until further notice.
Ask your primary care provider about the Telemedicine option, available at all DCMH Clinics (except Urgent Care) starting Monday, March 23.
DCMH testing criteria has changed to address high risk individuals for COVID-19.
The criteria is as follows:
- Symptomatic hospitalized patients.
- Health care providers or essential personnel such as law enforcement, EMS staff with need for patient contact.
- Immunocompromised status (organ, transplant, HIV, diabetes, chemotherapy/active cancer, immune suppressing medications for rheumatologic disease), emphysema or cystic fibrosis.
- Other high risk situations taken case-by-case.
If you have symptoms of a cough, fever, or shortness of breath,
please CALL your Primary Care Provider
(PCP) clinic for a verbal phone screening and further instructions
going to see your provider.
If you are experiencing severe respiratory distress and/or need immediate assistance
, call 9-1-1
and let them know you are concerned you may have COVID-19.
If you present to the Emergency Department and have concerns about COVID-19, and have the symptoms of cough, fever or shortness of breath please remain in your car please and call
and wait for further instructions.
We are recommending that community members take the CDC's recommended precautionary measures:
- Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Delta County Community Call Center: 970-874-2172, open 8:00 and to 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday.
- DCMH COVID-19 web page serving as hub for all information.
- Visit the Delta County Health Department's online information hub for COVID-19 HERE.
- If you have general questions about COVID-19, you can call the state's help line, CO HELP, at 1-877-462-2911 or email for answers in English and Spanish (Español).
- You can also sign up for the West Region of Colorado Emergency Notification System CodeRED HERE.
- Colorado Department of Health and Environment page HERE.
- Centers for Disease Control page HERE.
- For Regional Resources visit Mesa County Health Department's page HERE.