District 4 Newsletter
March 1, 2022

Supervisor Provenza welcomes applications for ‘mini-grants’ in amounts between $1,000-$10,000 by individuals or nonprofits for local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, and problems related to the pandemic. Grants will be awarded up to a maximum $50,000 for each of five county supervisorial districts. 

Grants should be nimble and transformative. Priority categories include housing and homelessness; food security; child, youth and family; mental health; and community parks and facilities. County strategic planning categories include water/wastewater infrastructure; broadband; climate action; economic development; and aging needs. 

Eligibility is based on the Federal ARP Eligibility Requirements and awards should honor the Board’s Guiding Principles. Applications will be accepted through Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 5:00 pm. (Press control plus click on this link to find the simple application (Mini Grant Application.)

Call Supervisor Jim Provenza at 530-601-7843 if you have any questions.


Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance (YHAA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enhance the wellbeing of older adults in Yolo County through education, collaboration, and advocacy. Supervisor Provenza serves as chair of the board. We work to identify and address gaps in services and connect people to the many resources and services throughout the County. During the pandemic, YHAA has focused on keeping older adults safe and healthy, providing vaccine outreach and resource connection to vulnerable older adults throughout the county.
Our current and upcoming programs include the following:

  • YHAA’s Phone Friends program YHAA connects an older adult with a volunteer “phone friend”, who regularly calls to socialize and check in on the older adult addressing safety and isolation of older adults.

  • The Aging and Disability Resource Connections program assists older adults and their caregivers to find the services they need to remain safe and healthy in their homes.

  • YHAA’s Digital Divide program will provide lower-income older adults with new laptops and connect them with a UC Davis student, who will coach them on using the device.

  • The Mobile Meals for Healthy Aging Program provides free monthly food truck events for older adults at five locations throughout Yolo County.

  • The grab bar installation program will provide and install up to two grab bars in the homes of older adults, ensuring their home is safe and fall free.

  • YHAA’s emergency preparedness program works to educate the community and provide resources, ensuring that older adults are prepared for the next emergency.
For more information visit: www.yolohealthyaging.org or call 530-776-5006