Our plans to our assist employees, their families, and our customers to minimize Coronavirus COVID-19 risks.

Many of you already receive abundant news on the risks of COVID 19 disease and how you can prevent spreading the virus. This is a brief message to inform you of plans Preston Feather has in place and what we can do to support our customers during these uncertain times.   

Store hours, operations and delivery services

We anticipated school closings and event cancellations as more precautionary measures were taken to slow the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. I know this presents new challenges for staffing, but we have plans in place to maintain regular operations. All our sales staff is equipped with remote access to order and delivery scheduling systems, and can support our customers from any location. We also have 4 showroom locations and can sell and ship from any location to any building site in Northern Michigan as required.

Cleaning and disinfecting procedures

We’ve stepped up education on hand washing and hygiene. We have also improved procedures for cleaning and disinfecting common areas and equipment in our stores, including sales counters, meeting rooms, bathroom facilities, computer keyboards, door handles, vehicles and other high traffic areas. Every little bit helps.

We encourage employees with any symptoms to stay at home, and we provide paid time off and health care insurance coverage for our staff. With the closure of schools and uncertainty yet related to virus testing, we will be flexible with all our staff through this challenging period so they do not endure additional financial hardship while minimizing the risk of virus contact. 

E-Invoices, E-Statements and the Pro-Link Web App (Customer Portal)

A number of customers already take advantage of these electronic communication features that make it easier to conduct business remotely and with less paper touched by others:

-        Electronic invoice option.  Have invoices emailed automatically with each sale.
-        Electronic statement option.  Month end statements are available by email.
-        Pro-Link Web App.  Available on your mobile phone or computer web browser, this app provides complete access to quotes, orders, invoices and statements including digital copy history of all documents for every account and job.

Contact Brent Vizina, our Customer Accounts specialist, at arec@prestonfeather.com or (231) 439-5828 to learn more or sign up for the electronic services described above.

Project Delays and Cash Flow Planning

Financial markets are still bouncing around and it will be a while before we all have firmer footing to forecast the rest of the year. Some homeowners will delay decisions or projects. We anticipate uncertainty for a while. The best thing we can all do is continue to communicate with each other. Transparency will help us understand problems and develop creative solutions to help where help is needed. Involve your Preston Feather representatives in your planning process. We are here to help.
Thank you for reading this message and for your support of Preston Feather.

Now is the time we need to help each other adapt. I want you to know we will do our best to take care of our customers and our team during these uncertain times.
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