As a result of guidance issued by the CDC, health care facilities have canceled or rescheduled non-urgent outpatient visits and elective surgeries. These actions have restricted access to medical treatment for individuals with existing Workers' Compensation claims impacting their treatment plans.

Many health care facilities are using telemedicine to communicate with injured employees to ensure their continued health safety. However, the needed surgeries or physical therapy remain void, delaying the employee's healing and their return to work.

Even when facilities re-open for visits, the fear of COVID-19 may keep some injured workers away, further delaying their healing process. Their concern, anxiety, and stress can further compound the claim, and both their physical and mental health.

What does this potentially mean for you, the employer?
  • The extended absence of the employee from work affecting productivity, workload, and fellow employee morale
  • Re-evaluating the return to work plan
  • Higher claim costs and delayed closing of the claim impacting future Experience Mod factors which directly impacts your future premiums

Although much of the above is outside of your control, it is important to have this insight when you are communicating with the employee and making business plans.