COVID-19 Related Information
Good evening all,

A few things to share with you as we continue to work through the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • If while entering/reviewing attendance you notice that a child has been terminated, please reach out to the Eligibility Team to let them know. Current OEL guidance states that no SR family eligibility terminations should be occurring at this time. A provider transfer would be the only reason a child would be dropped from your program.

  • Many of you have asked if you should be collecting parent co-payments beginning May 1, 2020. Current OEL guidance is that parent co-pays should not be collected through June. If this changes, we will notify you.

  • OEL is scheduled to release a survey next week to providers that were closed in April or that are still closed. If applicable, please ensure you complete the survey as failure to do so could impact your ability to receive payments for May 2020. Additional information about the survey will be provided at the May Provider netWORK meeting on Wednesday.

  • Our May Provider NetWORK meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 9:00 am. This will be a webinar. We will be sharing information, answering your questions and hope to have a DCF representative on the webinar to answer your questions. Click here to register.

  • If you have any specific questions you would like to have covered at the May Provider netWORK meeting, please send them directly to me at

I look forward to talking to you on Wednesday.

Suzan Gage
Executive Director
We exist to grow healthy children, parents, and the relationship between them.
Sponsored by the Early Learning Coalition of Northwest Florida and the State of Florida, Office of Early Learning