What an unexpected, confusing, and even scary time for all of us! Despite the stress and uncertainty during this coronavirus pandemic, it is important that we not panic and do all we can to stay grounded. We need to take good care of ourselves and families in mind, body, and spirit. It is also important that we stay connected with our community, including our COHS community.
COHS has a strong foundation of supportive ministries that may be of help to you. Rev Kathy, of course, continues to make herself available for spiritual support as do Deacon Johnine, and our Pastoral Care, Health and Wellness, and Recovery ministries. Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to add someone to the Prayer Chain, would like a referral to one of our other ministries, or would just like to talk. Call, text, or email Marge Hanna Zeig, Pastoral Care Coordinator,
mehanna47@comcast.net or 215-896-4045.
Adding to the stress is that we are bombarded with stories - fact and fiction – 24/7.
Here are some resources we have vetted that may prove helpful to you: