Keeping You Informed
Due to the growing number of Coronavirus cases reported in Florida, we’re writing to let you know that we are working closely to monitor the latest information and guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) related to Coronavirus (Covid-19).

The health, safety and well-being of our staff and patients is the highest priority for the clinic here at Ultimate Wellness Physical Therapy.
Precautions We are Taking
We pride ourselves on adhering to the highest standards of cleanliness in our clinic, but out of an abundance of caution, we’re adding extra focus with additional sanitization in our high traffic areas, such as the waiting room, restrooms, treatment rooms, gym and all equipment. We have provided Lysol wipes and hand sanitizer at every station. We highly recommend washing your hands upon arrival and before you leave.
Take Care of Your Health and Help Protect Others

Thank you for your patience and trust in us! From all the staff at Ultimate Wellness....
Live Well, Enjoy Life!