Winnebago County Public Health Department
December 8, 2020, 11:30 a.m.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT COVID-19 HOTLINE: 920-232-3026 (M-F 8:15am-4:15pm)
COVID-19 Lab Confirmed Cases
Winnebago County* (As of 8am, 12/8/20)
† Group housing facilities include city and county jails, homeless shelters, dormitories and group homes. As of October 3, 2020, confirmed cases among those living in Wisconsin Department of Corrections facilities, which includes the Oshkosh Correctional Institute, are no longer included in WCHD data reports.
** Reasons a person could be counted as a probable case include: a positive antigen test, positive antibody test, or diagnosis due to symptoms and known exposure to COVID-19.
‡ Deaths reported in our daily Situation Updates and on our dashboard do not reflect the date of death. All confirmed deaths are verified through a review process that may take many days to validate. Please see our weekly data summaries to view deaths by week of occurrence.
Wisconsin (As of 8am, 12/7/20)
Positive: 414,332 (+2,155 from 12/6)
Negative: 2,202,473 (+5,751)
Ever Hospitalized: 18,286 (4.4%) (+70)
Deaths: 3,738 (+19)
Active Cases: 58,009 (14%)
Recovered Cases: 352,510 (85.1%)
Total Hospital Bed Utilization: 83%
Wisconsin Summary Data: Percent positive, demographics, etc.
Disease Activity by Region & County: Case rate per 100,000 residents and percent change in cases (updated every Wednesday by 2 p.m.)
Updated Quarantine Guidance Goes Into Effect Today
This guidance only applies to CLOSE CONTACTS (people who have not been confirmed to be COVID-19 positive, but who have had a known exposure to a COVID-19 positive person). It does not apply to people confirmed to be COVID-19 positive themselves.
A 14-day quarantine remains the safest option and is still recommended. If a 14-day quarantine is not possible, people who DO NOT develop symptoms may now elect to end their quarantine before 14 days with continued symptom monitoring and:
After a full 10 days of quarantine if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring. In this scenario, you would be released from quarantine on day 11 after your last known exposure to a positive case. No testing is required.
- After a full 7 days of quarantine, with a negative test result that was collected within 48 hours of the end of quarantine. In this scenario, you would be tested on day 5 or later after your last known exposure to a positive case, and you would be released from quarantine on day 8 as long as your test result comes back negative.
Symptom monitoring for a full 14 days from exposure is still required with either of these options. Click here for a chart you can use to log your daily symptoms.
If you develop symptoms at any time during the 14-day period after exposure, immediately isolate yourself from other members of your house, contact your doctor and get tested.
How do I self-monitor during quarantine?
- Check your temperature twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. If you don't have a thermometer, watch for symptoms of fever like chills or sweats.
Watch for cough, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms of COVID-19. Write down any symptoms you have and when they begin.
Log your daily symptoms on this chart.
What if I develop symptoms during quarantine?
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 during the full 14-day quarantine period, isolate yourself from other members of your house, contact your doctor, and get tested. Tell your doctor about your symptoms to determine if you need medical care.
If you don't have a doctor or are having difficulty reaching your doctor, complete an online health screening assessment, and a licensed health practitioner will contact you.
Many FREE community testing sites are available in our area and throughout the state. While awaiting your test results, stay home and take steps to keep yourself and others safe in order to slow the spread of the virus.
Additional Resources:
What's New
(Updated Tuesdays & Thursdays)
There's a nationwide ban on evictions until December 31, 2020 for certain tenants. If you're able to pay some rent and utilities it will help from getting further behind or becoming at risk for eviction later. Contact Legal Action of WI at 855-947-2529 to see if you meet the criteria or visit the CDC's website to download the Tenant Declaration Form. Additional housing resources can be found here.
Restaurants and other targeted small businesses will receive $45 million in assistance through the We’re All In For Restaurants program, bringing the total distributed to Wisconsin businesses this year to more than $220 million. The program will be administered by the Department of Revenue (DOR) in collaboration with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. Unlike previous We’re All In grants, businesses will not have to apply for the grants, but will be identified and contacted directly by the DOR based on the businesses’ state tax records.
Utility, Food & Housing Assistance, Elder Care, Crisis Intervention, Alcohol & Drug Recovery and Much More
How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19
- Wear a mask.
- Stay at least 6 feet apart from people you do not live with.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating and after going to the bathroom, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
- If you do not have soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Do not attend gatherings with people you do not live with.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Cough or sneeze into an elbow if no tissue is available. Wash your hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household disinfectant cleaning spray or wipe.
- Additional guidance from the CDC
Additional Resources
Local Healthcare Providers:
With many events canceled or postponed, be sure to check your local resources for the latest schedule and closure updates.
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Winnebago County Health Department