Winnebago County Public Health Department
August 5, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT COVID-19 HOTLINE: 920-232-3026 (M-F 8:15am-4:15pm)
Winnebago County COVID-19 Vaccination Data (As of 8am, 8/5/21)
of Winnebago County residents have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series
(82,168 of 170,411 people)
of Winnebago County residents have received at least one dose
(86,470 of 170,411 people)
Total number of doses administered to Winnebago County residents: 161,895
For additional demographic information, please see our weekly data reports.
Wisconsin COVID-19 Vaccination Data (As of 8am, 8/4/21)
of Wisconsin residents have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series
(2,883,052 people)
of Wisconsin residents have received
at least one dose
(3,024,387 people)
Total number of doses administered to Wisconsin residents: 5,853,641
For additional demographic information, please see the DHS website.
Local Pop-Up Vaccine Clinics:
For a complete list of vaccine locations in Winnebago County, visit:
Winnebago County Reaches Substantial Level of Community Spread of COVID-19 and Issues Updated Guidance on Masking

The Winnebago County Health Department announced the county has reached substantial level of community transmission of COVID-19. Recent guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) call for masking for everyone in areas with substantial and high transmission of COVID-19. In accordance with new CDC guidelines, the health department recommends wearing masks in all indoor public settings and crowded outdoor venues, regardless of vaccination status. Updated COVID-19 recommendations for Winnebago County can be found on the health department's website In addition, the health department is consulting with local school districts, UW-O and other educational institutes regarding their own policies. Any updates to school policies will be communicated from the school district, UW-O or other educational institutes.

The best way to protect yourself, your family and community from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. And with the rise in the number of cases and the prevalence of the Delta variant, we should also use other layers of protection to stop the spread, including masks. Find a vaccine clinic at Learn more about wearing masks here.
Winnebago County Weekly Data Summaries: Updated 8/5/21
Click on the buttons below to view the full data summaries.
  • Due to a substantial level of community transmission of COVID-19 in Winnebago County, the health department strongly recommends that everyone, vaccinated and unvaccinated, wear a mask in public indoor settings and crowded outdoor venues. Public facing establishments are urged to continue or re-instate masking and distancing indoors and minimally masking for crowded outdoor venues. The new county recommendations are in response to recent guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that recommend masking for everyone in areas with substantial and high transmission.
  • This fourth wave of COVID-19 cases is dominated by the faster spreading Delta variant. Not enough people are vaccinated to prevent this wave of new cases that will result in more severe COVID-19 symptoms, preventable hospitalizations and premature death in many unvaccinated people. Not since April have case counts been this high and they will continue to rise – protect yourself, family, and friends by encouraging vaccination and wearing a mask. Even if vaccinated you may bring this Delta variant home to unvaccinated or immune suppressed family and friends.
  • Vaccination and prevention efforts are needed to help prevent more infections. We are making progress on vaccination rates; however, our region is still lagging. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 prevents severe illness, hospitalization, and death; it also helps reduce the spread of the virus in communities. The vaccines are extremely effective and safe, and the best way to prevent rising cases is for every eligible adult and child to get vaccinated. Communities that are experiencing high rates of infection today are the ones with low vaccination rates. If you are unvaccinated, continue to wear a mask, social distance, and make a plan to get vaccinated.
  • Situational Awareness:
  • Over the past two weeks, we have reported a total of 211 confirmed + probable cases, a 69% increase compared to the 125 confirmed + probable cases reported in last week's report.
  • The confirmed + probable case burden is high for our jurisdiction. The confirmed + probable case rate over the past 2 weeks for our jurisdiction is 137.2 cases per 100,000 people.
  • There are at least 300 PCR tests being performed every day in our jurisdiction and this is trending upwards.
  • Over the past two weeks, 4.2% of PCR tests were positive in our jurisdiction. The percent positivity has continued to increase each week since our lowest point in mid-June.
  • There are currently 11 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Fox Valley Area hospitals.
  • The Delta variant is increasing rapidly and is more likely to affect groups of unvaccinated people.
  • Current COVID-19 activity level is indicated as high for Winnebago County based on a high burden status over the past two weeks. As long as the virus is still circulating, children under the age of 12 and all other unvaccinated individuals are still at risk of getting COVID-19.
  • Vaccines are available any day of the week at a site near you. A regional COVID-19 vaccine tour is occurring throughout the summer with vaccine clinics being held in Winnebago, Calumet and Outagamie counties. Visit to find answers to your questions about the vaccine and see where you can get vaccinated.
  • 58.5% of Winnebago County residents aged 12 or older have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Everyone 12 and older is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer is the only vaccine currently approved for 12- to 17-year olds. Not all locations administer vaccines to those under 18, and not all locations carry Pfizer.
  • COVID-19 testing remains an important tool in reducing spread of the virus. Whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated, get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms, were exposed to the virus, or feel you need a test.
  • The CDC encourages widespread testing to identify asymptomatic cases to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
  • Sunnyview Expo Center PCR test results have a quick turnaround. Visit our website for a full list of testing locations in Winnebago County.
What's New
  • CDC issued a new order temporarily halting evictions in counties with heightened levels of community transmission in order to respond to recent, unexpected developments in the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of the Delta variant. It is intended to target specific areas of the country where cases are rapidly increasing, which likely would be exacerbated by mass evictions. This order will expire on October 3, 2021.

  • Q: How effective are masks at preventing the spread of the virus?
  • Masks are recommended because they form a barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and being inhaled or deposited in the nose or mouth of other people. Respiratory droplets are released when someone coughs, sneezes, talks, or breathes, which is why consistently wearing a mask is important. Studies show that a well-fitted, multi-layer face mask can block the majority of respiratory droplets from escaping into the air and also reduce the wearers’ exposure to infectious droplets by effectively filtering them out of the air they breathe. Overall, the use of face masks have been shown to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection by 70% or more in a variety of settings (for example, homes, workplaces, airplanes). However, masks are not a replacement for physical distancing and are most effective when combined with other preventive measures. Click here to learn more about where you should wear a mask, how you can get one, and the proper way to clean them.

  • CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker Updates:
  • The Vaccination Trends tab now displays trends by state and jurisdiction
  • The Vaccination Among Pregnant People tab displays the percent of pregnant people ages 18-49 years receiving at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy overall and by race/ethnicity
  • The Vaccine Confidence tab allows users to explore trends in vaccine confidence in the United States by visualizing trends in vaccination status and intent by week and by demographics
COVID-19 Case Data
Winnebago County* (As of 8am, 8/5/21)

New Confirmed Cases (7-day average): 21
New Probable Cases** (7-day average): 3
Percent Positive by PCR Test (Past 14 days): 4.6%

Total deaths among confirmed cases: 170
(+1 from 7/29/21)

Total deaths among probable cases: 25
(+0 from 7/29/21)

Please see our weekly data reports and Data Dashboard for additional case data.
Wisconsin (As of 8am, 8/5/21)

New Confirmed Cases (7-day average): 1,000
New Probable Cases (7-day average): 138
Percent Positive by Test (7-day average): 7.6%
Total deaths among confirmed cases: 7,453
Total deaths among probable cases: 852
New Deaths Reported (7-day Average): 2

*Does not include the portions of the City of Menasha or City of Appleton that fall within Winnebago County but have their own health department.
** Reasons a person could be counted as a probable case include: a positive antigen test, positive antibody test, or diagnosis due to symptoms and known exposure to COVID-19.
‡ Deaths reported in our Situation Updates and on our dashboard do not reflect the date of death. All confirmed deaths are verified through a review process that may take several weeks to validate. Please see our weekly data summaries to view deaths by week of occurrence.
Utility, Food & Housing Assistance, Elder Care, Crisis Intervention, Alcohol & Drug Recovery and Much More
How to Protect Yourself from COVID-19
  • Get a COVID-19 vaccine if you are at least 12 years old.
  • If unvaccinated, wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet from others who don’t live with you.
  • Clean your hands often, either with soap and water for 20 seconds or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Additional guidance from the CDC

Additional Resources
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