Update from Gavilan College on COVID-19: April 2, 2020
A Message For Our Students
EVERY THURSDAY AT 11 AM : President's Forum -- this is your chance to meet virtually with Dr. Kathleen Rose, get information, and ask questions.

ZOOM Meeting:   Meeting ID: 697 027 671

  • Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,697027671# or +13462487799,697027671#
  • Or Telephone: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll); +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll); +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll); +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll); +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll); +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll)
  • Or Skype for Business (Lync): SIP:697027671@lync.zoom.us
NEW Drive-Thru Food Distribution

Tuesday, April 7 11:00 - 1:00 pm Parking Lot A

So that we can serve as many families as possible, we ask that only ONE person from each household sign up. Each family / car will receive 3 boxes of food.

You will be asked to stay in your car, show proof of registration for the event on your phone or printed copy in order to be admitted.

Food will be placed in the trucnk of your vehicle. Please make sure there is space for 3 medium-sized boxes.

NEW Laptop & Wifi Request Form: https://forms.gle/BeUnXb1yA9F5NF186

There are a limited number of laptops and wifi hotspots to loan to students who need them to continue their classes.

Distribution will take place April 7, 2020 from 11am-1pm in parking lot A

Those who complete the request form will recevie an email on Sunday with additional information related to pick up. You will be assigned to a specific time windwo between 11am-1pm to pick up.
The California College Student Emergency Support Fund has launched to give one-time $500 hardship grants to students. Administered by Mission Asset Fund (MAF), the Fund is a statewide philanthropic response to address emergency needs for the state’s low-income college students, including undocumented immigrants, foster youth, and those who are housing insecure.

  • STATUS: All locations of Gavilan College are closed. All instruction and services will be provided in an online format through the end of Spring semester. Summer Session will be entirely online.
  • The Library has extended all due dates from this semester to May 4, 2020. If the campus shutdown continues after that we will provide an additional extension.
  • NEW - PARKING PERMIT REFUNDS - Students who paid for Spring 2020 parking permits will recieve a refund, If you purchased your permit prior to March first, you will receive a $25 refund, if you purchased it after March 1, you will receive a full refund. You do not have to do anything -- you will be contacted .
  • NEW - ZOOM Meetings - Links for Presidnet's Forums and Daily noon briefings are posted on the MyGav Portal

  • NEW - Food Distribution Map: The City of San José launched a food distribution map (bit.ly/SCCFoodMap) with important information on countywide food distribution sites to ensure food security for those in need. In collaboration with the County of Santa Clara, non-profit community partners, school districts, and faith-based organizations, the Silicon Valley Strong coalition now has 129 food distribution sites operating Monday through Friday. Visit siliconvalleystrong.org for more information on how to access food resources, donate or volunteer. Also, call 2-1-1, a 24-hour multi-lingual service, or text your zip code to 89821.
  • NEW - 2020 Census: Completing the Census is important during times of crisis as the count translates into the State and cities receiving essential federal funds for services like fire departments, hospitals, and health centers for the next 10 years. We are encouraging everyone to complete the 2020 Census and count every person living or sleeping in their home, including children, roommates, and friends. The Census takes 10 minutes to complete. Residents can respond online (my2020census.gov), by phone (844-330-2020) or by mail. Online census and phone support is available in English and 12 other languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Tagalog, and Chinese. For more information, visit www.2020census.gov

  • Go to stayenrolled.com to find out the latest information you need to know about Community Colleges during COVID-19

  • California Community Colleges faculty, staff and administrators can join the CCC | COVID-19 Resources, Tools and Discussion community in the Vision Resource Center to stay informed on developments and ask questions.

  • If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at https://800-273-8255 or text the Crisis Text Line at 741741.
  • NEW - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Family violence and sexual assault victims in need of immediate assistance can call Community Solutions’ 24-hour hotline at 1-877-363-7238. Victims can also drop in at the Family Justice Center, 16264 Church Street in Morgan Hill, from 9am to 5pm on Wednesdays. Advocates also maintain a confidential online chat application for victims at safechatsv.org. Visit communitysolutions.org for more information about available services.
  • NEW - SOS-COVID-19 Community Resources and Mental Health Crisis Line - flyers in English and Spanish

The following resource list has been shared with us by the office of California Assemblymember Robert Rivas:
  • Use of playgrounds, dog parks, public picnic areas, and similar recreational areas is prohibited. These areas must be closed to public use.
  • Use of shared public recreational facilities such as golf courses, tennis and basketball courts, pools, and rock walls is prohibited. These facilities must be closed for recreational use.
  • Sports requiring people to share a ball or other equipment must be limited to people in the same household
  • Requires essential businesses to develop a social distancing protocol before April 3.
  •  Most construction—residential and commercial—is prohibited.
  • Funerals limited to no more than 10 people attending.
  •  Essential businesses expanded to include service providers that enable residential transactions (notaries, title companies, Realtors, etc.); funeral homes and cemeteries; moving companies, rental car companies and rideshare services that specifically enable essential activities.
  • Essential businesses that continue to operate facilities must scale down operations to their essential component only
  • The health officers have determined that more and stricter social distancing is needed to slow the rate of spread, prevent deaths, and stop the health care system from becoming overwhelmed.
  • This order is both necessary and mandatory.
  • Residents who do need to leave their homes to perform essential activities should minimize the duration and number of trips as much as possible. They must also remember that social distancing protocols are mandatory when they leave their homes.
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