Message from the Mayor
As the weather starts to warm up and the Easter weekend approaches, we automatically think about going out. While the weather has changed, the COVID-19 message has not. We continue to be called upon to practice physical distancing and limit ourselves to only going out for essential activities such as shopping for groceries, and exercising alone or with members of your household. These steps will allow us to keep ourselves, our neighbours and our loved ones safe. 

Trudeau said in his daily update from Ottawa today that distancing measures designed to limit the spread of COVID-19 will likely remain in place for weeks, and that success will depend on how fully Canadians practice distancing habits such as staying home. “To stay at home, to continue this period of isolation and distance is the best way to get out [of COVID-19 isolation] as quickly as possible, but certainly it will be a case of several weeks, perhaps several months”.

Dr. Bonnie Henry likewise said on April 4 that the Province is in its second incubation period, which means that the next two weeks will be critical. “This could take a turn for the worse for us in the coming week, in particular, but I’m heartened that we’re seeing that decrease in acceleration.”

Stay strong Qualicum Beach, and let’s do our part to making COVID-19 a thing of the past. 

Mayor Brian Wiese

QB Farmers Market Meets Guidelines
The Province of British Columbia recently designated farmers markets as an essential service. The Town has been working with the Qualicum Beach Farmers Market and the Provincial Health Authority on the Island to ensure Provincial guidelines regarding physical distancing are met. As such, the market re-opened at its original location selling food (fresh, frozen and prepared) on Saturday, April 4, 2020.

The efforts of the Farmers Market to protect the public have met the identified provincial guidelines. These efforts included, but were not limited to, limiting the number of vendors, controlling entry and exit points, sanitation stations, increased distance between vendors, and restricting attendance to a maximum 50 persons at a time, including the vendors on site. Further, no food sampling or entertainment was permitted, and market staff increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces.

Town staff conducted spot inspections on Saturday, April 4, and found that the protocols put in place by the market were adequate to maintain the required physical distancing and attendance limits.

The Town will continue to monitor the market as it operates, and will support the market as directed by the Province. The public is encouraged to use their best judgement, stay home if possible, and to only attend the market if you are comfortable attending.

QB Seniors Activities Online
Not to be stopped by COVID-19 the Qualicum Beach Seniors Activities Centre is now online.

The Centre is providing online classes that you can participate in via the interactive app Zoom. Some of the classes include the following:
  • Yoga
  • Chair Yoga
  • Boosting your immune system and relaxation
  • Tai Chi
  • Qi Gong
  • Ukulele
  • Paint night on line party
  • Five week learn to paint class

For more details on the classes, and to learn how to join Zoom, go to their website at
Special COVID-19 Town Clock Chime at 7pm
The Town has prepared something special via our Town clock chime to thank all the front line workers who are keeping us safe and fed. This also acts a call out to residents to join in - because we are indeed All In This Together!

Join in from home at 7pm each night and make some noise!

Here is a little video we posted on Facebook
(even those without Facebook can access this link).
Town Events
Events Happening
  • April 15 - Special Council Meeting, Council Chamber - video streaming only - no public attendance
  • April 22 - Regular Council Meeting, Council Chamber - video streaming only - no public attendance

  • Committee of the Whole, April 15 - Cancelled
  • Youth Appreciation Day - Cancelled
  • Family Day - Cancelled
  • Timberfest - Postponed
  • St Marks' Fair - Postponed
  • Public Open Houses - April & May - Cancelled
  • All committee/Commission meetings - Cancelled until further notice

For a list of other events in Town that have been postponed or cancelled go to the PQB News page HERE .
Procedure Bylaw to Hold Electronic Meetings
In light of the COVID-19 isolation, the Town is considering a bylaw to allow Council and staff to participate in special meetings by electronic or other communication facilities, provided the meeting notice includes the way the meeting will be conducted.

The Bylaw Public Notice is below!
PUBLIC NOTICE Council Procedure Bylaw
(Pursuant to Sections 94 and 124 of the Community Charter)
Notice is hereby given that Council intends to amend Town of Qualicum Beach Procedure Bylaw No. 674, 2013 by adopting an amendment bylaw (Bylaw No. 674.03) at a special Council meeting on April 15, 2020. The Procedure Bylaw establishes the procedures to be followed for the conduct of Council’s business, including the methods and locations of meetings.

Bylaw No. 674.03 will amend the Procedure bylaw by allowing Council and staff to participate in special meetings by electronic or other communication facilities. After adoption of Bylaw No. 674.03, Council members and members of staff may attend special meetings via teleconference or other means, provided the notice of the meeting includes the way in which the meeting is to be conducted.

Ensuring the health and safety of our citizens is of utmost importance. In order to adhere to the required social distancing, some members of Council and Staff will be participating in the meeting via teleconference. The April 15, 2020 meeting will be closed to public attendance. The meeting will be recorded and made available on the Town’s website.

A copy of the bylaw may be viewed on line at . As the Municipal Office is temporarily closed to the public, if you are unable to access a copy of the bylaw online, you may call Town Hall at 250-752-6921 to request
a copy be mailed to you.

Heather Svensen, Corporate Administrator

Businesses Open / Take Out
For a list of Town business closures visit the  Chamber of Commerce website .

For a list of Qualicum Beach closures visit the Town website .
To find out what restaurants are still providing take out food visit the Chamber of Commerce website.

This is a great time to support local businesses where possible!

COVID-19 Information Sources