The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) is thankful to those who purchase day passes and memberships to use the multi-use trails in the 11,000 acre
Ganaraska Forest
. Your patience and understanding throughout this closure is much appreciated.
All Ganaraska Forest members can rest assured that their memberships will be extended by two (2) months. For example, if your membership card has an expiry sticker of June 2020, it will now be valid until the end of August 2020. Please note that as of May 2020, membership applications and renewals will no longer be mailed out. Members will receive direct communication about this via email and will be required to renew online.
Please note that the Ganaraska Forest Centre and the GRCA administrative office will remain closed, and are not available for membership purchases.
All washroom facilities will remain closed until further notice, as well.
Hiking - May 22, 2020
Non-motorized (mountain biking/horseback riding/hunting) - May 29, 2020
Motorized (ATV/dirt biking) - June 5, 2020
Please continue to respect the closures. Trespassers violating the phased opening will face penalties. Forest patrols will resume by staff, volunteer patrollers and local police services while practicing social-distancing measures.
While visiting, please remember to:
- Stay at least 2 meters (6 feet) apart on the trails and in parking lots
- NEW across all sections of the Ganaraska Forest - Dogs must be kept on-leash
- Remove all of your litter and pet waste
- Stay on the trails
- Thorpe Hill and Lookout Hill are closed to all users
- Be cautious of trees that have fallen and could be impeding trails - report any to the GRCA
- Off-road vehicles must have licence plate displayed
- Please be ready to show your Ganaraska Forest Membership card to staff and volunteer patrollers
- Ensure your Ganaraska Forest Parking Permit is displayed in full view
- Speed limit is 40 km/h
- Follow trail etiquette and respect other visitors
- Take only pictures and memories; leave only footprints
It is important to note that if you are feeling ill in any way, please stay home and refrain from visiting the Ganaraska Forest. Report
any Covid-19 symptoms
and follow recommendations from your local Heath Unit.
The GRCA recognizes the important connection between physical/mental health and nature, and is looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the Ganaraska Forest and it's
nine (9) conservation areas
Keeping employees and residents safe is paramount to the GRCA. Your local Conservation Authority
is committed to keeping communications open to watershed residents.
Keep an eye on
for updates, and p
lease do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 905.885.8173 /
Stay safe.