April 16, 2020
Update: Law Society, ALIA and CPLED offices to remain closed until May 31, 2020
As the events surrounding COVID-19 continue to unfold, we are carefully monitoring the latest updates and recommendations from the Federal and Provincial governments, Alberta Health Services and the City of Calgary.

Following the direction of health experts, the Law Society of Alberta, Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (ALIA) and Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED) have decided to  extend our office closure until May 31, 2020 . We will re-evaluate the office closure at that point as further information is provided from government and health agencies as well as the City of Calgary.

During this time our staff will continue to work remotely to address any urgent needs and deliver essential services. We will  post any further updates  to our website as needed.
Judicial Appointments
We would like to congratulate Madam Justice Jane Sidnell and Madam Justice Barbara Johnston on their recent appointments as Justices of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta on April 6, 2020.

Madam Justice Sidnell was previously a partner at Rose LLP in Calgary. She replaces Madam Justice S. Hunt McDonald (Calgary), who elected to become a supernumerary judge effective September 9, 2019.

Madam Justice Johnston was previously a partner at Dentons in Calgary. She replaces Mr. Justice J.T. McCarthy (Calgary), who elected to become a supernumerary judge effective January 6, 2020.

For more information, read the Government of Canada Department of Justice’s  news release .
Minister of Service Alberta Ministerial Order
On April 9, the Minister of Service Alberta issued a Ministerial Order temporarily affecting the application of certain sections of the Business Corporations Act and regulation, the Companies Act , the Partnership Act and regulation, and the Societies Act . Lawyers should consult the Ministerial Order for those provisions addressing the following issues:

  • Access to corporate documents and records;
  • Suspension of obligations to hold in-person meetings and authority to conduct meetings by video or teleconference; and
  • Suspensions of deadlines to submit annual returns.

The Ministerial Order also affects time limits under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act , and registration renewals under the Charitable Fund-raising Act. Additional legislation affected by the Ministerial Order includes:

  • the Vital Statistics Act;
  • the Access to Motor Vehicle Information Regulation;
  • the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation;
  • the Residential Tenancies Act;
  • the Consumer Protection Act;
  • the Condominium Property Act and regulation; and 
  • the Cooperatives Act and regulation. 

Unless the Lieutenant Governor in Council extends the Ministerial Order, it will expire at the earliest of the following:

  • 60 days after Order in Council 080/2020, declaring a public health emergency, is terminated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council;
  • when this order is terminated by the Minister; or
  • when this order is terminated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.