March 13, 2020

Dear students, staff and faculty,
Due to continually changing conditions around the spread of COVID-19, we have just made the difficult decision to continue remote education through the rest of the semester. All classes and lessons will take place online only, as previously announced, and orchestra, opera and chamber music are canceled. We did this out of concerns for the health, safety and well-being of the entire CIM community.
We know this decision has a profound impact on education and the experience of attending CIM, and we did not make it lightly. We are committed to providing the best education possible for CIM students, and towards that end, the faculty will do everything possible to deliver an excellent educational experience through technology.
Please know that we are grateful for each and every one of you, and the grace, flexibility and understanding you have exhibited already … and yet we are calling on you for more.
We know this new information will raise several new questions, in addition to those you have already shared. While we cannot address all of the issues today, here is some guidance:
  • Juries, recitals and comprehensive exams: Non-degree recitals will be moved into the fall. Faculty will collectively determine the best options for juries, final recitals and comps, and we’ll communicate that information with you as it’s available.
  • Cutter House residents: All residents can now move out completely. You will get a message from Residence Life later today, including a new timeline for moving out, helpful resources and information for those who cannot leave early.
  • Commencement: At this time, Commencement is scheduled for May 16. At this point, it is still too early to say definitively whether we will be able to celebrate this important occasion together. We will provide updates as they are available, but rest assured that all graduates will receive their diplomas.
  • Financial: We have received questions about a variety of topics, including refunds from CWRU for their meal plans, student housing and the delivery of classes and the academic experience. While financial conversations are just getting started, we urge students and faculty to work hand-in-hand to preserve the highly personal educational experience for which CIM is known. When we have more information to address your financial concerns, we will be in touch.
You undoubtedly have more questions, and we are working diligently to answer all of them. You will receive more emails today and in the coming days, so please continue to monitor your email inbox. Thank you for your continued patience.
As so many of us have personally experienced, music can be a solace and refuge in turbulent times. Our sincere hope is that you can find some peace and strength in practicing your craft, even as uncertainty swirls around us.
Paul W. Hogle, President | CEO
Judy Bundra, PhD, Chief Academic Officer and Dean