July 23rd
Debra Duardo, M.S.W., Ed.D.
Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools

I'm very pleased that the LA County Board of Supervisors passed a motion on July 21 aimed at providing additional resources for students and families during campus closures.

Several county departments, including Parks & Recreation and Public Libraries, will develop a plan for how to use their facilities to support students with distance learning.

LACOE has joined the county teams in developing their plans. We are advocating that priority be given to our students with the greatest need and who lack access to technology: low-income students, students with disabilities, foster youth and others.

We look forward to helping interested districts partner with the county to provide additional supports for your students and families.
Public Health Update
Returning to work during school closures:

  • Teachers/school staff are considered essential workers and may return to work while schools remained closed to students.

CDC guidance - updated July 17, 2020:

  • Persons with COVID-19 who have symptoms may discontinue isolation under the following conditions: 
  • At least 10 days have passed since symptom onset and 
  • At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and 
  • Other symptoms have improved. 
Budget & Finance
The Learning Loss Mitigation Funding, authorized by the 2020–21 budget package, appropriates more than $5.3 billion from three different funding sources to be allocated to LEAs to support pupil academic achievement and mitigate learning loss related to COVID-19 school closures.

The LLMF application is now available. LEAs must fill out the LLMF Assurances to receive funding. LEAs received an email with their individual password. Emails were sent to the LEA contact listed in the California School Directory .

For more information about the program and to access the application, visit the CDE Learning Loss Mitigation Funding web page here .

Please direct any questions to [email protected] .
Child Care
  • Districts have inquired whether child care can continue on district facilities even while districts are closed for school operations. As it is considered an essential service, child care has never been mandated to close. Child care programs that are licensed and following public health protocols can operate on school facilities. This applies to programs operated by the district as well as those operated by outside providers.

  • Children 2 years of age and older should use face coverings with adult supervision; children from birth through 2 years of age should not wear face coverings. 
  • Staff that care for children under age 2 and/or children not able to wear a face covering for medical reasons should be provided with face shields to use over their face coverings. 
  • Employees who have been instructed by their medical provider that they should not wear a face covering should wear a face shield with a drape on the bottom edge, if their condition permits it.

  • The side-by-side summary of federal, state and county COVID-19 guidance for early childhood education and child care providers has been updated to reflect changes and additions (in red).
  • These and additional resources for providers and parents can all be accessed at lacoe.edu/childcare.

  • Referrals to child care can also be accessed at lacoe.edu/childcare or by calling toll-free (888) 92-CHILD [1-888-922-4453].
Curriculum & Instruction
LACOE is partnering with CDE, CCEE, FCMAT, Aeries, Aequitas Solutions, Copernicus, Infinite Campus and Power School to organize the webinar series “Rising to the Challenge: Student Engagement and Attendance Strategies.”

The series begins on August 6 with four modules from 3:00pm – 4:30pm focusing on:

  • August 6 – Module 1: Attendance Changes and Requirements of SB 98 
  • August 10 – Module 2: Student Engagement and Attendance Strategies for Distance Learning 
  • August 13 – Module 3: Student Information System Solutions Sessions (districts to be paired with their student information system provider) 
  • August 17 – Module 4: Strategies for Addressing Scheduling, Student Engagement and Supports for Families 
To register, click here . (Note: registrants are currently being placed on a waiting list but LACOE is working to increase the webinars' capacity.)
Resources for Districts & Schools
Advancing Equity in an Era of Crisis (CAAASA/CTS-UCLA/CCEE/SDCOE) click here

Child Protection Hotline Digital Toolkit (DCFS) click here

Resilience in School Environments (Alliance for a Healthier Generation) click here

Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools (LACDPH) click here