Governor Pritzker has announced Restore Illinois . This five-phased plan will reopen Illinois, guided by health metrics and with distinct business, education, and recreation activities characterizing each phase. For the purposes of this plan, four health regions (Northeast Illinois, North-Central Illinois, Central Illinois, and Southern Illinois) are established, each with the ability to independently move through a phased approach.

Currently, every region is considered to be in Phase 2. A region will be allowed to move to the next phase based on metrics associated with admissions data, test data, and hospital resource measures . In addition, it will take at least 28-days to move from one phase to the next. Phase 5 will not be implemented in a region until "an effective and widely available vaccine" is available or the elimination of new cases.
Please contact me with any questions. Thank you.

Kevin Burke III, P.E.
Executive Vice-President
Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association