The Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association continues to monitor the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on our industry. The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak remains extremely fluid and any status may change rapidly. Here are updates as of May 7, 2020:
The Illinois Department of Transportation posted the following statement on its
Letting & Bidding Web Page
: "
All prospective bidders and interested parties are hereby notified that the projects advertised for bid on the June 12, 2020 letting are subject to removal or change at any time in response to the availability of funds, budgetary adjustments, or decline in available revenue that may be associated with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and any associated recovery from said pandemic. We will keep you informed as to any changes that might affect our business operations and our partnership with you. Given such unprecedented time, this is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated on the Department’s website as information becomes available."
While there is currently no plans to pull projects that will be advertised tomorrow for the June 12 letting, the Department felt it was necessary to issue this statement to ensure that prospective bidders were aware of this possibility. In the unlikely situation that projects are pulled, the Department will do so as early as possible.