As we continue to be cautiously optimistic about the progress Minnesotans have made in slowing the spread of COVID-19, the Governor is loosening some restrictions in ways that will help businesses. While these measures are not a major dial turn, we know they will make a difference to thousands of businesses and workers across the state. The following changes went into effect on Saturday, February 13:
• The cap on bars and restaurants will move up to 250 people inside and 250 outside, with an occupancy limit of no more than 50% of established capacity.  
• Onsite dining hours are extended to 11:00pm, for any establishment that serves food. Takeout may occur after 11:00pm.  
• Indoor seated and non-seated entertainment occupancy limits expand to 250 people in each separate area, with a total max of 1,250 people, while maintaining social distancing. Food and beverage consumption is extended to 11:00. 
• Outdoor entertainment food and beverage consumption is extended to 11:00pm.  
• Private wedding, funeral, celebrations and parties will have an occupancy limit of 25%, up to a max. of 50 people with social distancing. These events may not occur between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.  
• Gyms, fitness centers and pools expand to 250 at 25% capacity. Social distancing at 6 feet.  

For more information, please review the stay safe guidance documents. See final EO 21-07 HERE.

Business hasn't stopped, and your Chamber hasn't either. We're all in this together.......Stay healthy!