December 2020
ANAC is committed to providing reliable, accurate information and resources that help nurses and other health care professionals better serve patients and the community. Whether you are on the frontlines providing care, educating your patients and community or dealing personally with COVID-19, we hope this monthly newsletter will provide helpful information and resources. 
COVID-19 Prevention Network
ANAC is partnering with the COVID-19 Prevention Network (CoVPN) on educational programming about vaccine and therapeutic trials, community education and engagement.

For daily updates, follow CoVPN on Facebook. You can also view informational videos on the CoVPN YouTube page.

If you missed the most recent COVID-19 webinar, Introduction to Immunology, Vaccinology and COVID-19 Trials, watch it here.  

Save the date for our next CoVPN and ANAC webinar: COVID-19 Clinical Trials in Communities of Color on Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. EST. Register here.
Vaccine Updates
The New York Times has created a Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker that is updated regularly with information on the vaccine approval process, COVID-19 clinical trials, information on distribution and more.

HIV/AIDS Network Coordination is hosting an upcoming webinar titled COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy: A Community-focused Panel Discussion on Dec. 11 at 1 p.m. ET. Register here.
Medical Mistrust and Vaccine Hesitancy
Due to widespread misinformation and medical mistrust, vaccine hesitancy existed before COVID-19 and is a concern for achieving wide vaccine uptake.

This article, Disinformation, Misinformation and Inequality-Driven Mistrust in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons Unlearned from AIDS Denialism, published in May 2020, discusses how effective responses to COVID-19 are uniquely vulnerable.

A webinar hosted by The Hasting Center featuring Dr. Anthony Fauci and Mildred Solomon explores the erosion of trust in science and how health professionals can improve public understanding of the COVID-19 vaccine(s). Watch the webinar.
Global Health Policy and COVID-19
To achieve actual public health impact against COVID-19, the world will need the largest global vaccine delivery effort ever. AVAC has developed the Advocate’s Guide to COVID-19 Vaccine Access that outlines critical considerations.
Nurse Wellness
Self-care and wellness are especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Invest in your own wellness today and explore the following resources.
  • ANAC’s Health and Wellness committee has compiled some resources and information to help nurses and other health care professionals take time for self-care.
  • The Center to Advance Palliative Care has created a series of COVID-19 Emotional PPE Resources. These resources will assist with navigating moral distress, grief and trauma. 
General COVID-19 Information
CDC Resources on COVID-19 and HIV: COVID-19 and HIV

For other COVID-19 resources, visit our website and refer to previous updates and recorded webinars for additional information.