MARCH 21, 2020
Temporary Changes to Unemployment

Temporary changes to unemployment to help those affected by COVID-19. Please note, the Unemployment Insurance changes are are backdated effective to March 8, 2020.

This link has a concise video about Unemployment Insurance updates and procedures with the state: click here

This link is a wrap up of COVID-19 Unemployment Insurance information:
COVID-19 Travel Information

These are extraordinary times and Travel Oregon strives to provide you up-to-date information. Your safety is their highest priority and they want you to have the resources you need to make informed travel decisions when it comes to COVID-19 (or coronavirus).

March 20, 2020: The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has now spread to at least 150 countries including the United States and has infected more than 167,000 people.

Here in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority has confirmed 88 positive cases for COVID-19. Oregon Governor Kate Brown has issued moratoriums on restaurants and bars as restricted to carry-out and delivery only, with no on-site consumption permitted, as well as canceling all public gatherings of more than 25 people statewide for at least four weeks — exempting essential locations like grocery stores, pharmacies and retail stores. The federal government also urges Americans to avoid any gatherings of 10 people or more. Public schools are closed until April 28, 2020.

These community mitigation efforts are considered the quickest and most effective means of containing COVID-19 transmissions. Travel Oregon urges all travelers to check in with businesses and event organizers before traveling and take protective measures against COVID-19 while you travel.
South Coast Development Council
Small Business Assistance

There is a process that must be followed in order for the State to access SBA Disaster Relief Loans. South Coast Development Council needs YOUR help completing the process. Please fill out the "Estimated Disaster Economic Injury Worksheet" if your business may be affected by the pandemic. These forms must be submitted to the State.

Grant Information

The Oregon Community Foundation has launched a new grant for  non-profits  impacted by COVID-19.
“Established in collaboration with partners throughout the state, the  Oregon Community Recovery Fund  will rapidly deploy resources to community-based organizations at the front lines of the Coronavirus outbreak.”
Rural Community Development Initiative Grants

This program provides funding to help non-profit housing and community development organization support housing, community facilities, and community and economic development projects in rural areas. More information can be found online here.

Applicants may request technical assistance or other application guidance from the Agency, as long as requests are made prior to May 8, 2020.

Questions? Contact Shirley Stevenson at (202) 205-9685 or Shirley.Stevenson@
PHOTO CREDITS: Photo of Bandon businesses, aerial shot by Manuela Durson.