The Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association continues to monitor the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on our industry. The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak remains extremely fluid and any status may change rapidly. The following is a comprehensive outlook.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has developed
interim guidance
for businesses and employers based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
As of Monday, March 16, 2020, the Illinois Department of Transportation has no plans to stop or curtail construction or engineering projects. The Department has a business continuity plan that will, at this time, ensure lettings, construction management, and payment processing continue. If COVID-19 impacts the Contractor’s operation (including subcontractors or suppliers), the Contractor should communicate directly with the Department to resolve any potential delays or conflicts.
On Monday, March 16, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued
Executive Order No. 7
that prohibits all public and private gatherings in the State of Illinois of 50 or more people for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation.
The Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association will implement limited office hours starting on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 until Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Staff will be available to return phone calls, respond to e-mails, but will operate remotely. Only one staff member will be allowed to be in the office at any given time. If immediate assistance is needed, please contact Kevin Burke (contact information below).
The safety of members, their staff, and our employees is the primary objective during the COVID-19 outbreak. Updates will be provided when available.
Kevin Burke III, P.E.
Executive Vice-President
Illinois Asphalt Pavement Association