January 11, 2021 @ 5:30 p.m.
During the COVID-19 vaccination administration, we will email updates to all employees as more information becomes available. Please be alert to communications from your center managers, clinic administrators, site medical directors, department managers/leaders, and Employee Health, including emails, memos, newsletters, department huddles and/or cell phone text messages.
Questions & Answers
Below are frequent questions asked by our employees:
Q: If I get the vaccine and have some symptoms, can I return to work?
Q: Does the vaccine prevent transmission?
A: We do not know if vaccination will prevent the possibility of getting an asymptomatic form of COVID in the future and then transmitting it to others. The vaccine itself is not a live vaccine and cannot make you contagious.
Q: Can I get other vaccines, like the flu or shingles vaccine, or should I wait 14 days?
A: Given the lack of data on the safety and efficacy of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered simultaneously with other vaccines, the vaccine series should be administered alone, with a minimum interval of 14 days before or after administration with any other vaccines. If mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are inadvertently administered within 14 days of another vaccine, doses do not need to be repeated for either vaccine.
Vaccine Cost Center Information—How to Charge Your Time
A memo was sent to all employees on Friday, January 8 from Finance and Health Services about how patient-facing and non-patient-facing employees should charge their time around the vaccine planning, dissemination and implementation process. Please refer to the Policy and Procedure issued by Infection Prevention and Employee Health titled COVID Immunization for Health Care Workers when submitting your time in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Patient-facing Employees
All time associated with receiving the vaccine, including travel time, time to administer, and observation period should be charged to the appropriate Regional Vaccine Center as described below.
Non-Patient-facing Employees
Non-patient-facing employees should charge to the appropriate Regional Vaccine Center when their time and effort directly supports:
- Vaccine planning
- Setting up
- Operating
- Execution
- Any other direct support function
Non-patient-facing employees should use reasonable judgment when charging time to Vaccine Cost Centers.
Corporate and Anaheim Regional Employee Vaccine Centers:
950386 - Corporate (2040 Camfield)
080386 - Anaheim (1325 Anaheim)
Any exceptions to the above requirements should first be discussed with Finance, Paul Tropea, Manager Grants Finance, at (323) 889-7352.
Share Your Shot #oneshotatatime
On Friday, January 8, AltaMed held a press conference at the Anaheim vaccination site to discuss AltaMed's role in providing vaccinations to providers and staff. AltaMed leadership also discussed the importance of getting the vaccine to help defeat the pandemic. To date, more than 1500 vaccinations were provided.
Do Your Part to Stop the Surge
Wear your masks—Face masks are to be worn at all times over your nose and mouth (except when drinking or eating), and should be stored properly or discarded. Patients need to wear masks at all times in examination rooms as well.
Maintain hand hygiene—Staff should have easy access to hand sanitizer dispensers to clean hands frequently, and should wash hands for 20 seconds at a time.
Practice physical distancing—Stay six feet apart from other individuals whether inside or outside.
Wipe down any work surfaces you touch.
Patient-facing staff, including front office if no plexiglass barrier is used, should wear a face shield or eye covering in addition to a face mask—avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Employees must wear appropriate PPE when on site.
Please Note: If you are contacted by the media with questions about the coronavirus outbreak or for any other reason, please email Veronica Orozco, Sr. Manager, Public Relations. The Public Relations team monitors all media coverage of AltaMed (social and traditional platforms) to uphold our reputation. If you have questions and concerns regarding media coverage, please call Veronica at (323) 482-3073. If you'd like to read news releases from AltaMed, visit our external website, AltaMed.org under Newsroom.