Latest Vaccine News
The daily average number of new cases continues to increase in Kent County and across the State. We are now averaging 115 new cases daily compared with approximately 70 per day a few weeks ago. Notably, we are seeing increased case numbers in all age brackets except for those aged 65 and older. To that point, 70 percent of the people aged 65 and older have received at least one dose of vaccine.
Our overall test positivity rate is now at 5.7 percent. We are very concerned to see that counties in Southeast Michigan now have positivity rates near 10 percent. Thankfully, the number of hospitalizations in Kent County has not increased at the same rate as observed elsewhere around the state. We currently have 56 residents hospitalized in Kent County; 16 of whom are in intensive care. To date, 658 Kent County residents have died from COVID-19.
The Health Department and our healthcare partners have administered a total of 234,336 vaccine doses. To date, 17 percent of our county residents are fully vaccinated and 29 percent have received at least one dose. We continue to vaccinate healthcare workers, first responders, K-12 educators, childcare providers, congregate care workers, people aged 50 and older, caregivers and guardians of children with special healthcare needs, and uniquely vulnerable/underserved populations of people.
At this time, we are also strongly encouraging other people in category 1B to pre-register. This group includes people who, by the nature of their business, work in close proximity to other people in the workplaces of food and agriculture, critical manufacturing, public transit, grocery stores, postal service, civil service, utilities, and other critical infrastructure. Appointments will generally be made according to vulnerability and phase status. Pre-registered persons in upcoming Michigan Department of Health and Human Services eligibility phases may be scheduled early depending on vaccine availability.