Keeping You Up to Date On Vaccine-Related Issues
Kent County - Vaccine by the Numbers
View page 7 of our data dashboard for more information on COVID-19 vaccine distribution and demographics.
I Got Vaccinated!

Francisco Moreno chose to get vaccinated after seeing the effects COVID-19 had on his brothers. He says too many people have lost their lives to this virus and the vaccine gives him hope for the future. Watch his full testimonial (in Spanish) here.
Latest Vaccine News

The daily average number of new cases continues to increase in Kent County and across the State. We are now averaging 115 new cases daily compared with approximately 70 per day a few weeks ago. Notably, we are seeing increased case numbers in all age brackets except for those aged 65 and older. To that point, 70 percent of the people aged 65 and older have received at least one dose of vaccine.

Our overall test positivity rate is now at 5.7 percent. We are very concerned to see that counties in Southeast Michigan now have positivity rates near 10 percent. Thankfully, the number of hospitalizations in Kent County has not increased at the same rate as observed elsewhere around the state. We currently have 56 residents hospitalized in Kent County; 16 of whom are in intensive care. To date, 658 Kent County residents have died from COVID-19.

The Health Department and our healthcare partners have administered a total of 234,336 vaccine doses. To date, 17 percent of our county residents are fully vaccinated and 29 percent have received at least one dose. We continue to vaccinate healthcare workers, first responders, K-12 educators, childcare providers, congregate care workers, people aged 50 and older, caregivers and guardians of children with special healthcare needs, and uniquely vulnerable/underserved populations of people.

At this time, we are also strongly encouraging other people in category 1B to pre-register. This group includes people who, by the nature of their business, work in close proximity to other people in the workplaces of food and agriculture, critical manufacturing, public transit, grocery stores, postal service, civil service, utilities, and other critical infrastructure. Appointments will generally be made according to vulnerability and phase status. Pre-registered persons in upcoming Michigan Department of Health and Human Services eligibility phases may be scheduled early depending on vaccine availability.
Updated Guidance for Schools

In order to minimize disruption to children’s education while maintaining a low-risk classroom environment, the distance for physical distancing has been reduced from six feet to three feet for Pre-K through 8th grade students. This guidance is based on local data, guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), along with evidence of lower transmission in younger children in Kent County. A review of school incidence beginning in fall 2020, demonstrated very minimal transmission of the COVID-19 virus within the classroom environment. Less than 2% of the cases of COVID-19 in people ages 5-12 years of age were known to be related to exposure in the classroom. The Kent County Health Department will continue monitoring incidence in this age group along with watching County positivity and cases of variants that are detected to determine next steps. 
Kent County Health Partner Community Vaccine Clinics

Vaccinate West Michigan is partnering with local communities to provide
free COVID-19 vaccinations. We are committed to health equity and enabling everyone- no matter what their race, ethnicity, or economic status- to receive the vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine will help to protect you, your family, loved ones and the community. By getting the vaccine, you are taking an active role in helping move our community past the pandemic to better health.
Those eligible include:
  • 50 years and older or 16+ with underlying conditions
  • Those who work in food processing or agriculture
  • By appointment only, no walk-ins
  • Masks are required
Individuals can register for an appointment at a Kent County Health Partner Community Vaccine Clinic here.
Save Your Spot

In order to get the vaccine, you must register! To be notified when you are eligible to make an appointment for a vaccine, visit and click on one provider and complete a COVID-19 vaccination registration. As doses become available, eligible individuals will be contacted by that provider to make an appointment.
Vaccinate West Michigan Website

The site includes resources, frequently asked questions, registration information, distribution phases and more. Check this site frequently for the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Información en español
Para información en español haga clic aquí.
Kent County Health Department
700 Fuller Ave. NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Tel: (616) 632-7100
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