If you have not yet, you will shortly be receiving written communication from the County regarding the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. PPOA has expressed opposition to this direct communication with our membership as it does not accurately represent the current status of negotiations with the County. The County has many responsibilities related to compliance with CDC Guidelines, CA Department of Public Health orders, as well as legal and contractual obligations. Please do not interpret the County’s communication as an accurate representation of negotiations, but as its intent, a document trail in the County’s efforts to be in compliance with some of these mandates.
The fact of the matter is…the County only just provided another draft version of COVID vaccine mandate policies and documents to the Coalition of County Unions (CCU) at about 9PM last Friday evening. Earlier today, representatives from the unions associated with the CCU met and created a lengthy list of concerns, contradictions, and questions related to the draft documents. The first meeting between the CCU and the County, including PPOA, is scheduled for tomorrow (8/25/21) afternoon.
Please help with rumor control. Monitor PPOA communications for accurate and timely information. PPOA will continue to provide our membership with correct information as the impacts of the vaccine mandates are negotiated.