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COVID-19 has now risen to 95 confirmed active cases

PHILIPSBURG - As of August 10th, at 22:00, St. Maarten's new total of confirmed cases now stands at 205. Of the active cases, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) are monitoring 89 people in home isolation. The Minister of Public Health...

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Our news article about hikers and bikers being able to cross the French/Dutch border at Bellevue unrestricted went viral yesterday. Thanks to DJ King Kembe and his TikTok video about 'Me eeen walkin dah; Me eeen peddlin dah'. Click here for the Facebook link.

So far the news article has engaged well over 6,000 people. Mostly young people, we believe. As a result of the viral video. Who says young people don't read the news? Now if we can get them to only take the virus seriously.

According to publications online, young people are biologically driven to ignore the virus. Apparently, young people have a ‘biological mandate’ to see friends and engage in irresponsible socializing in big groups. It is their brains, apparently.

Well, we are not going to walk into that open door before we get another TikTok video on our hands. But, we would like to urge the young people to use their brains and figure out that irresponsible socialization, large group gatherings and mass dance parties are fertile grounds for the corona virus to spread and spread quickly.

There is an aspect of the consequence of getting infected with the corona virus that no one talks about and that is that when you end up in the hospital, your friends and family are not allowed to visit you. That is the most heart-wrenching aspect of losing a loved one to COVID-19....: Not being next to them when they expire. It is the loneliest experience anyone can go through.... To die alone and not be surrounded by friends and families.

So, stay safe, people. Take this virus seriously!!!

We recently called on our local accountants, consultants and tax advisors to provide us with their Top Three Tips to help businesses and business owners survive the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have compiled these tips and advice into a series of short articles for easy quick reading and understanding. And most importantly of all, for easy and quick implementation of the tips and advice received. Send us your email address and we will add you to the mailinglist to receive these tips and business advice when the series is completed.

Here is your first tip: Check out the ENTERPRISE SUPPORT PROJECT online at

Have a safe week and remember to practice social distancing.

Kind regards,

Terrance Rey
Publisher and

PS: Media, publishing and broadcasting companies are exempt from receiving payroll support. So no support from government for our reporters and editors. So we thank you in advance for your kind financial support to us via our Media Pool


take a look at the latest edition now available digitally online at It is one of our new spin-off products of our new local news magazine called *INSIDE St. Maarten".

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Author Hensley Plantijn talks about his first published book The Constitution of Sint Maarten - When it is time to vote with radio host Ralph Cantave. This book is now on sale for $15 US Dollars at the Van Dorp locations in Madame Estate and Simpson Bay and at The Family Bookstore in Philipsburg. Watch the recorded interview for more information about this new St. Maarten-based author:

INSIDE St. Maarten is on sale at the major supermarkets for $2 per copy. INSIDE St. Maarten is not a newspaper, it is a news magazine filled with INdepth articles, INteresting INterviews, INtertaining stories and INspiring advice columns. Get your copy today. Don't see the magazine in your favorite shop? Whatsapp us immediately!

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NAGICO Insurances says preparing today reduces the consequences of disaster for tomorrow. It is Hurricane Season - June 1 to November 30. Don't wait until the last minute. Ensure your policy is valid and up to date
SXM Daily News Feature Episode
SXM Daily News August 10, 2020

SXM Daily News August 10, 2020

Read more COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Update - St. Maarten

Covid-19 certificates for border crossing

Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in St. Martin (French side), the Prefecture will no longer grant temporarily professional certificates for people who need to cross from French side-Dutch side or Dutch side-French side.

Medical certificates will continue to be issued based on compelling and urgent grounds, upon submission of supporting documents.

(Source: Préfecture of St. Martin and St. Barths / FBP-AS)
Covidiste Richardson recommende aux gouvernements ...

BALTIMORE / PHILIPSBURG - Les dirigeants de nos pays doivent faire preuve de savoir-faire et doivent par conséquent s'appuyer sur les données médicales dans leurs décisions concernant la santé publique. Voici en bref le message du Lieutenant...

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Border restrictions do not apply to hikers and bikers

BELLEVUE - French St. Martin reported sixteen new COVID-19 cases today. Officially, the border between the Dutch and the French side has been closed since July 31, a day before St. Maarten welcomed American tourists. St. Martin does not want...

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Border closure has taken on a European context, says Sarah

MP Wescot-Williams: "St. Maarten/St. Martin's border closure has taken on a European context and should be elevated to a Kingdom level." Philipsburg, St. Maarten, August 2, 2020 - MP Wescot-Williams: "With the announcement by the Préfecture of...

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Every voter must buy a copy of this book - Book Review

"The Constitution of Sint Maarten - When it is time to vote" By author Hensley G.A. Plantijn A book review for by Terrance Rey ~ People must buy this book if they want to fully understand our parliamentary system and the...

Read more Legal Reviews
Electoral reform: the Lynch-law under review - part 1/2

PHILIPSBURG -- The discussion about electoral reform will soon be in full swing, whereby the focus will be on the Lynch-law - actually, an article in the current electoral law that determines who gets elected: candidates with more votes or...

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Electoral reform: the Lynch-law under review - part 2/2

Curacao sticks to system that favors position on candidate-list ~ PHILIPSBURG - St. Maarten's current electoral law - oft referred to as the Lynch-law after its architect - determines that candidates with the highest number of votes are elected...

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MP Omar Ottley and others donate 63 electronic devices ...

SINT MAARTEN (PHILIPSBURG) - Member of Parliament (MP) Omar Ottley, in collaboration with Argos, Keianna Liburd, Klass Electronics, Good Food & Mojitos, Brooks Modeling Agency (in the Netherlands), will collectively be donating 63 hand held...

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No Planned or Scheduled Lockdown Issued by Government

POND ISLAND - The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Richard Panneflek hereby informs the general public that the government has not taken a decision to issue a planned lockdown, contrary to rumors circulating within the...

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Immigration Department is Closed Until Further Notice

A.T. ILLIDGE ROAD - The Ministry of Justice hereby informs the general public that due to circumstances beyond their control, related to COVID-19, the Immigration Department is closed as of Monday, August 10, 2020, until further notice! As soon...

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St. Maarten Weather Updates & Forecasts

A broad area of low pressure, located in the mid tropical Atlantic, is not currently showing signs of additional organization. However, a tropical depression could form during the next couple of days.

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Coronaleningen: komen de eilanden en Den Haag er toch uit?

DEN HAAG - Komt er snel structurele financiële hulp uit Den Haag? Een definitief besluit wordt deze week niet verwacht, toch kan komende vrijdag een belangrijke dag worden. Er staat namelijk een Rijksministerraad op de agenda. De eilanden hebben...

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Verbijstering over move Moses

Walroud (PAR): Onbetrouwbaar / Rozendal (MAN): Rechter gaf duidelijkheid Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Shaheen Elhage (PAR) is verrast door het persbericht van enkele regels waarin Marilyn Moses (MP) zegt 'niet van standpunt te zijn...

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Circulaire over 12,5 procent blijft

Rhuggenaath: Regering heeft afweging moeten maken Van een onzer verslaggeefsters Willemstad - De regering kan niet voldoen aan het verzoek van de ambtenarenvakbonden om de circulaire inzake de korting van 12,5 procent op de arbeidsvoorwaarden in...

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Uitbraak op Aruba lijkt onder controle

Van onze correspondent Oranjestad - Met 67 nieuwe besmettingen lijkt de piek in het aantal coronabesmettingen achter de rug. De regering gaat ervan uit dat alle bezoekers van de besmette etablissementen in de 'Hot Zone' zijn opgespoord en getest.

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Covidist Richardson dringt er bij regeringen op aan om...

BALTIMORE / PHILIPSBURG - Landen hebben goed geïnformeerd leiderschap nodig en ze moeten op feiten gebaseerd medische beslissingen nemen. Dat is de boodschap van luitenant-kolonel Dr. Leonard (Lenny) Richardson, een COVID-19-onderzoeker uit...

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GHBU Masters Counselling Students to Host Webinar...

SINT MAARTEN (ST. PETERS) - "The mental health effects of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic might be profound and there are suggestions that suicide rates will rise, although this is not inevitable," stated a recent article...

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Statia Political parties to submit list of candidates ...

SINT EUSTATIUS (ORANJESTAD) - Political parties that registered to participate in the elections of the new Island Council of the Public Entity of St. Eustatius on October 21 st, 2020, must submit their list of candidates on Monday, September 7...

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Positive coronavirus test total rises again, MPs to...

A further 630 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the Netherlands in the past 24 hours, according to new figures from the public health institute RIVM. Like last week, Rotterdam and Amsterdam account for the bulk of the new cases, with ...

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Covid-19 leads to more incidents on planes

Transport ministry inspectors say they are concerned about the increase in airline passengers causing trouble since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. In July, there were 94 reports, of which 58 were coronavirus-related, such as a refusal to...

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