Nursing Assistant Training Letter
Today, HFAM sent a letter to the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and the Maryland Board of Nursing (MBON) to address and make recommendations regarding the current backlog of testing available for nursing assistants.
Click here for the letter.
Background: In order to work as a GNA in a Maryland skilled nursing and rehabilitation center, graduates of nurse aide training programs must be testing through Pearson Vue to receive GNA certification. While there has historically been an emphasis on in-facility nurse aide State testing sites for students to receive their GNA certification, providers may not be able to conduct the full capacity of in-facility testing with the COVID-19 guidelines.
Especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is absolutely critical to ensure that skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers are adequately staffed with GNAs. We continue to work to find solutions to mitigate the backlog of testing available for nursing assistants and make sure that students are able to receive timely GNA certification so that they will continue their careers in skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers across Maryland.