
We write to encourage everyone at Queens College—faculty, staff, students, and invited guests—to continue voluntary use of face masks, especially when indoors. There continue to be new variants circulating.


Queens College has been fortunate to have a very low positivity rate among its community members. As we monitor the latest scientific research about COVID and expert guidance, such as from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we continue to encourage regular testing. Additionally, the CUNY random testing protocol is ongoing and must be complied with in order to retain campus access.


Anyone who is feeling ill or displaying symptoms of COVID should avoid coming to campus or interacting with members of the QC community. We look forward to seeing you back on campus—safely. Thank you for your cooperation.


Frank H. Wu


Kevin K. Birth

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Executive Committee Member, QC Chapter, PSC-CUNY

David Gerwin

Chair, Department of Secondary Education and Youth Services

Executive Committee Member, QC Chapter, PSC-CUNY


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