Assistant Director - Administrative Services
SBOP Administrator
Your Small Biz Update
From Clark County Purchasing
July 10, 2020

Clark County and SBOP entered this first month of our new fiscal year in a environment where many southern Nevada businesses are working hard to meet requirements of reopening as they strive to recover from COVID-related closures. We are pleased that SBOP's June survey of our small business training graduates revealed many have received federal Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans administered through the SBA. Many others are still in need of financial assistance, and the County is among the local jurisdictions working hard to help them find solutions.

In this issue of the Small Biz Update, we will bring you up to date on new funding opportunities through Clark County, and answer some of the questions small business owners asked in response to the recent survey. We wish you well in your efforts to get your business back on track!

To your success,

Adleen B. Stidhum

Adleen B. Stidhum
Assistant Director - Administrative Services
Purchasing & Contracts Division
SBOP Administrator
Adleen B. Stidhum
SBOP Administrator
3 Clark County Small Business Grants
Assistance to Recover from COVID-19 Impact
As we first announced in June, the Clark County Commission has approved three grant programs designed to help small businesses recover from the impact of COVID-19-related closures and restrictions. While the application period for the first grant has closed, the County's Community and Economic Development department is working on two additional grant options that will be coming soon. Here is a brief description including the current status of each grant, and how to get started.

1) Small Business Stabilization Grant - Application Period Currently Closed. Clark County will revise the eligibility criteria and reopen the application. Please keep checking the Clark County website under the Department of Economic Development for the upcoming changes.
Description: Businesses operating within Clark County may qualify for the Small Business Stabilization Grant, which is a business support grant using federal CARES Act Relief Funds. Eligible businesses with up to 4 employees may receive up to $5,000, while those with up to 20 employees may receive up to $10,000. The funds may be used for working capital to cover expenses such as rent, utilities, inventory, payroll, license fees, etc..

2) Small Business Rental Assistance - Applications Coming Soon
Description: The Small Business Rental Assistance grant is designed to help commercial tenants keep their businesses open at their current location, while helping landlords keep their tenants. Commercial tenants, in conjunction with their landlords, operating within Clark County may have access to grant dollars to cover up to $10,000 in back rent.

3) Small Business Protective Retrofit Grant - Applications Coming Soon
Description: The Small Business Protective Retrofit Grant is a reimbursement grant designed to help small businesses with 20 or fewer employees make COVID-related safety adjustments to their operations such as installing new safety equipment, modifying existing facilities, and purchasing required PPE or screening tools. Eligible companies may receive reimbursements of up to $5,000 based on actual costs of implementing new operating models.

When and How to Apply
For updates on grant eligibility and guidelines and to download available applications, please visit the Economic Development page of the Clark County website .
You Asked Questions in our June Survey
Here's Our Response
In our recent survey of Clark County small business training graduates, many respondents expressed concerns related to reopening efforts. Here are responses to the most frequently-asked questions.

Insurance Expenses
Several small business owners asked questions about employment insurance requirements and how to cover insurance expenses related to keeping employees on payroll when they are diagnosed with COVID-19.

Response: The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) outlines employer paid leave requirements and the tax credits available to covered employers.

Rent Assistance
Survey respondents asked how they can be positioned to receive possible rent relief or forgiveness for small businesses.

Response: Rental assistance information and funding opportunities continue to change from one jurisdiction to the next as agencies throughout southern Nevada seek additional ways to help businesses with recovery. It is important that you routinely visit the business and economic development webpages of the County or municipality where you are licensed, as well as the State and Small Business Administration websites to stay informed about new programs that may become available.

Finding and Training Employees
Some workers are choosing not return to their previous jobs, which leaves employers seeking to find and train work-ready employees.

Response: Nevada Workforce Connections and its Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)-funded partners offer workforce development services that may include assistance with training workers, and may be able to provide wage reimbursements of up to 50-percent for employees receiving on-the-job training. To learn more visit .
Congrats to County Small Business Grad MYS
MYS To Assist ASM Global - Allegiant Stadium Procurement
ASM Global, the recently selected Master Operator for Allegiant Stadium, has announced that Clark County small business training graduate MYS Project Management (MYS) has been selected as a partner to assist with procurement and community engagement activities for Stadium operations.

MYS, featured in our January issue of the Small Biz Update , was founded by owner Myisha Williams who, along with business partner Laura Silva, has established a reputation for helping local small Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) land contracts with corporate and government entities. The organization's 10-member team has a growing client base that includes long-term, multi-year contract awards.

ASM has expressed its intention to share its efforts and ongoing progress with SBOP and the Clark County Business Development Advisory Council (BDAC). We look forward to sharing those updates with you. To view employment and vendor opportunities at Allegiant Stadium visit the  stadium’s public website .
Opportunity Knocks
Annual Requirements Contract for Forensic Toxicology Tests

Clark County is soliciting bids from firms qualified to meet the County's annual needs for forensic toxicology testing.

A pre-bid conference for this opportunity will be held online via WebEx on July 22, 2020 at 9:00 am.

Bids for this project will be accepted at Clark County Government Center, fourth floor, 500 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89106, on or before August 5, 2020 at 2:00:00 p.m. based on the time clock at the Purchasing and Contracts front desk.

To review the specifications for this project, including how to participate in the pre-bid conference, visit the Nevada Gov eMarketplace (NGEM) and click on Bid #605626.
Social Distancing Update
Pre-Bid Meetings Hosted Online
In order to comply with COVID-19 social distancing policies, Clark County will offer WebEx audio and or video conferences for pre-bid and pre-proposal meetings. Detailed information on how to participate will be provided in the solicitations.
Want training on how to do business with Clark County?
To become an SBOP partner or mentor:
Contact Adleen Stidhum at [email protected] or call (702) 455-3163. 

Selling to government?
Simplify the process.
The Nevada Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) and Procurement Outreach Program (POP) provide free services to simplify the process of selling goods and services to government. These programs from the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development provide services free of charge.

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