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"Through the Lens" 
December 11, 2014
Co-founded in 2010 by:
Chris Fabian & Jon Johnson
Volume II, Issue 15

Cobb County, GA Publishes Budget,
Wins Public Service Award,
through a Foundation of  Priority Based Budgeting!

Cobb County, Georgia recently published their 2015-2016 biennial budget book. This comprehensive budget document represents the ethics, goals and priorities of one of the largest counties in Georgia.

The Center for Priority Based Budgeting (CPBB) is proud to partner with Cobb County in their implementation of priority based budgeting (PBB). CPBB launched PBB with Cobb County in January 2014, with a 2-year process. In the first year, we established Results and defined the Results, completed the Program Inventory and Program Costs - this information was used in the development of Cobb County's 2-year biennial 2015-16 budget. Beginning this month, the County will be embarking on Program Scoring, which will be followed by Peer Review and the ultimate development of the final PBB Model for 2015.

County Manager Honored for Leadership

Cobb County Manager David Hankerson was honored with the 2014 Jerry R. Griffin Excellence in Public Service Award by the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia. This prestigious award recognizes an individual who has worked toward achieving a lasting positive impact on his or her community.

"His county government track record is extensive with numerous contributions and achievements that include the implementation of priority-based budgeting system, operating a county budget with seven Triple A rankings, the completion of the East-West Connector, and most recently, the relocation of the Atlanta Braves stadium to Cobb County," ACCG officials said in a statement.

Priority Based Budgeting as Centerpiece to Biennial Budget Book

The following excerpts from Cobb County's 2015-2016 biennial budget book reflect the impact PBB has had on the county thus far. Congratulations to Cobb County on their leadership in bringing priority based budgeting to their citizens and County government!


Under the Saguaro  
by Christian Williams

ELGL had the good fortune to meet Christian Williams from the City of Goodyear, Arizona at the CPBB conference in August.  He impressed us further with his knowledge of local government budgeting and he successfully retweeted all 40 tips that ELGL shared during our CPBB presentation.


Seriously - look at this guy - how could we NOT take him in to the ELGL family and ask him to share his ideas and perspectives about local government:  




So today, we debut "Under the Saguaro" by Christian Williams.  He'll write about his perspectives working in Goodyear, and the interesting local government trends and ideas (especially related to budgeting) that he wants to share with the ELGL family.


It has been a rapid and exciting experience joining and becoming a part of the City of Goodyear family culture.  It seems like just yesterday I moved into the busy binder-filled space on the 2nd floor of City Hall.


809ac04ed3d48244fc78307b8b08b566c3a9fdc52d3cef7da0f54aaf3f50f203Almost immediately I was being immersed in fun new acronyms such as PBB, ERP, GEO, LTM, WMM, and the list goes on.  I quickly had to become knowledgeable on one acronym Priority Based Budgeting (PBB) and one that looks like an acronym and isn't, CITYSTAT, our performance measures program.  While learning about these new topics I had to also learn about how these initiatives, among others, fit into our Performance Management Program and ultimately our organizational culture.  Coming from a planning background, at a local school district, this has been a quick ride up the learning curve. Ten months later, which feels like yesterday, it seems like I have been working with these concepts since forever.


On my first day, February 3rd, 2014 after my GEO, or Goodyear Employee Orientation, Deputy City Manager, Wynette Reed, asks me if I would like to attend my first city council meeting.  Of course the answer was YES.  Why would I say yes to this after an 8-hour day?

  1. It is my first day.
  2. This will be what my Monday's look like from now until the day I "hopefully" retire.
  3. My boss asked me if I would like to attend.
  4. PBB was on the agenda.
  5. PBB is the first item on my One Year Objectives "Support the Deputy City Manager in the management and implementation of Priority Based Budgeting".
  6. I needed to get familiar with PBB.
  7. These guys named Jon and Chris, from the Center for Priority Based Budgeting, had flown in from Denver to present on it.
  8. My boss asked me if I wanted to go (hint: I probably should go J) Side Note: I actually did want to learn about PBB because I am kind of nerdy.
  9. Jon and Chris were supposed to present this really cool tool called the "Resource Alignment Diagnostic Tool", and the tool was developed in this "Center" for Priority Based Budgeting.
  10. It was no longer football season as the Super Bowl was played the night before.


Anyways back to PBB, it was an amazing experience coming in from the outside and seeing the tool operate.   This tool was one of the reasons I learned so quickly what our Council Priorities were, their definitions, and how they relate to our City initiatives and offerings.  I mean, they were clearly defined in the "results maps" and every offering of the City was scored based upon those items, including duties I would be taking on.  I could immediately see how not only myself but everyone's role fit into the City and the City's priorities.


Click here to read the full Under the Saguaro via ELGL! 


Priority Based Budgeting Implementation.....
Asheville, North Carolina Style!

The City of Asheville, North Carolina became the fifth Priority Based Budgeting community in the State last month. What is remarkable about Asheville's PBB process is that the City's elected officials had established a starting place for the City's "Results" by way of an extensive strategic planning effort they'd completed, focusing primarily on the role of local government in their community. This Strategic Operating Plan ("SOP") provides a solid foundation for the PBB process to build upon.


On November 18, 2014, the City of Asheville, NC kicked off their Priority Based Budgeting process with a day-long workshop led by Jon Johnson and Chris Fabian from the Center for Priority Based Budgeting in Colorado. Jon and Chris presented City staff with an overview and history of PBB and led staff through a brainstorming exercise to define the City of Asheville's Community and Governance Results. Jon and Chris ended the day with a session on defining programs and services (Program Inventory), which is the next step in the PBB implementation process. 

City staff are currently working through creating Program Inventories for their departments. Departmental Program Inventories are due to the Budget Office by Wednesday December 17, 2014. Work on PBB implementation will continue into the spring of 2015, and Finance staff will work with Jon and Chris to define a timeline for the next steps in the process. So stay tuned for further updates!
Below are links to materials presented at the November 18 Priority Based Budgeting workshop:

If you would like to read more about Priority Based Budgeting, please click on the links below:

The Center for Priority Based Budgeting
Fiscal Health Diagnostic Tool

The Most Effective and Affordable Local Government Fiscal Tool Available


"In the midst of serious fiscal challenges, it will be particularly important to stay true to the values that will carry us through these difficult times. The goal of fiscal health was established in consideration of the need to adjust the budgeting process to more effectively align resources with the City's priorities."
 -City Manager's Budget Message - City of Seaside, California


The Center for Priority Based Budgeting has seen its diagnostic approach to achieving Fiscal Health and the development and utilization of its unique and innovative "Fiscal Health Diagnostic Tool" profoundly change the conversation between local government managers, finance professionals and elected officials.  These are but a few of the powerful ways Fiscal Health has been used to help local government leaders achieve long-term financial sustainability.

Find out MORE and contact US about the Fiscal Health Diagnostic Tool

CPBB + ICMA's Center for Management Strategies  
CPBB is pleased to be a partner of ICMA's Center for Management Strategies. CMS and its service provider partners assist local government managers in identifying and implementing those leading practices that can address organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Follow them at @ICMAcms to see how CMS delivers the latest research, validated techniques and current, relevant content through twitter and the CMS Blog.

To learn more about the Center for Management Strategies, visit its webpage or visit the CMS Blog and CMS Group on the ICMA Knowledge Network.

The CPBB is thrilled to be a part of CMS and proud to be recognized by ICMA as a leading practitioner in Fiscal Health & Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting for local governments. Support the Center for Management Strategies.
The Center for Priority Based Budgeting

ON... THE.... MOVE.....
December 11, 2014 - City of Springfield, OR   
On December 11th, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting remotely launches Online Fiscal Health Modeling with theCity of Springfield, OR!

December 15, 2014 - Washington County, WI

On December 15th, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting will be hosted by the Washington County, WI, Executive Committee of the Board for a training orientation to priority based budgeting. More info here!

December 15, 2014 - Town of Weaverville, NC

On December 15th, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting remotely launches Online Fiscal Health Modeling with the
Town of Weaverville, NC!

January 5-6, 2015 - Lake Havasu, AZ 
On January 5-6th, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting kicks off the implementation of priority based budgeting with Lake Havasu City, AZ!

January 9, 2015 - City of Goodyear, AZ 
On January 9th, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting presents updated "Phase II" Resource Allocation Diagnostic Tool with the City of Goodyear, AZ!

January 10, 2015 - Temple City, CA 
On January 10th, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting presents Online Fiscal Health Modeling during City Council Strategic Planning Session in Temple City, CA!

January 22, 2015 - Orchard City, CA
On January 22nd, the Center for Priority Based Budgeting will be participating in a Learn, Explore, Transform Workshop with the Alliance for Innovation. Register here!

The speakers:
-    Jon Johnson, co-founder, Center for Priority Based Budgeting
-    Chris Fabian, co-founder, Center for Priority Based Budgeting
-    Kathie Novak, former elected official, 2009 president of the National League of Cities and Senior Adviser, Center for Priority Based Budgeting

Please Contact Us if you'd like to join any of these exciting upcoming presentations or to schedule a free webinar and identify the best CPBB service option(s) to meet your organization's particular needs.

Using a Unique Lens to Focus Community Resources on Results.

The Center for Priority Based Budgeting™ (CPBB), a Denver, Colorado-based mission focused organization established in 2010, provides technical and advisory services to assist local governments, school districts, educational institutions, special districts and other non-profit agencies in the achievement of Fiscal Health and Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting. This creative and unique process, developed by CPBB, enables communities to reassess their priorities in order to make sound, long-term funding decisions. CPBB has already led over 70+ communities through this comprehensive body of work. Learn More 

Erik Fabian
Chief Creative Officer

Using a Unique Lens to Focus
Community Resources on Results

The Center for Priority Based Budgeting is a proud partner in the success of local government communities
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