Dear Friends,
I want to share a very special update with you about a brave young mother we met last week. You may or may not know about "medical abortions." This type of abortion (see next article for details) is rising and currently accounts for over 40% of abortions before 9 weeks gestation. Last week, a woman found herself in an unplanned pregnancy in the middle of a pandemic. She thought that the abortion pill was the answer to alleviating her stress and worry. After receiving and ingesting the first abortion pill, she found herself questioning her decision and then in a state of panic. Fortunately, there is a national
Abortion Pill Rescue Hotline
that she reached out to for help. The hotline was able to direct her to a local pro-life doctor able to help. She came to CPC for an emergency sonogram and, by God's grace, her baby's heart was still beating. She was able to see the doctor and receive medication to counteract the abortion pill. Several days later, during her follow up doctor's visit, the baby was still thriving. CPC was able to assist this mother with an ultrasound, counseling, and encouragement in her brave struggle to choose life.
The calls to the Abortion Pill Rescue Hotline are increasing as COVID19's sheltering at home may be causing a spike in pregnancies.These pregnant women often are alone and struggling with stress, worry, and an unexpected pregnancy. They access the abortion pill through tele-health. We are fortunate to have a medical director understands APR (Abortion Pill Reversal), and is willing to assist these women. Please keep this brave mom and her baby in your prayers.
As we approach our 9th week of quarantine, I know that everyone has faced or is facing unimagined challenges. Knowing that CPC can still be a ray of hope to women with our material support and medical services is a blessing made possible by you, our supporters. Thank you for your support. As we press on in these challenging times, I am reminded of a quote from Helen Keller- "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."
Stay well, Gina
According to
Heartbeat International
a Christian organization that supports crisis pregnancy centers, by 2023, 53% of abortions will be chemical. Since the necessary drugs can be accessed on the internet, these self-managed abortions often have limited medical supervision and can be performed at home.
Education is vital. We all need to understand the dangers of the chemical abortion process. For those of you who want to learn more, read the differing views in links below to articles by Planned Parenthood and Heartbeat International.
Meet Amelia, granddaughter of faithful CPC supporters Roz and Glenn Sauer. This young philanthropist reached out into her community and raised $83.06 in donations at her FREE lemonade stand. These donations will go to the St. Joseph's Fullerton Baby Bottle campaign. COVID-19 has impacted our Baby Bottle campaigns that are in progress. If your family has an empty bottle, please fill it with checks, coins and bills. Drop it off at your church and we will pick them up!
Construction Progress Continues!!!
On Tuesday May 19th, a site meeting (with appropriate social distancing) was held. Plans for placement of phones, computers and security devices were reviewed. Dan Schwab, our project manager, gave an update on our progress. He estimates that the rough-in for walls will be completed by the first week in June.
While we were on site, donations of mechanical equipment were delivered and we got to see the donations of lighting and lumber that are already on site. Thank God for our generous supporters.
The link below has pictures that highlight recent construction. Look for more pictures in our next update.
Please pray for a smooth, uneventful construction process and a GRAND OPENING in the Summer/Fall of 2020.
Put Howard St. on every possible prayer list!!
We are disappointed, but "social distancing" has made it necessary to reschedule our golf tournament.
Save the date: 6/28/2021!!
Thanks for Helping
This may sound repetitive but we can't thank you often enough!
You response to our Emergency Help list has been gratifying, allowing us to continue to help our clients during this exceptional time. Many of you have helped to magnify our effort by forwarding our Amazon list to your social network friends. Keep up the good work.Your individual appeal makes a difference!
Personally thanking each of you has not been possible. Many gifts were received with only first names. So here goes...
Thanks to--Maren, Orlisha, Brian S., Diane M., Martha S., Dorothy, Connemara, Bonnie, Larry, Diane S., Denise, Amanda, Susie, Liesl, Linda, and Kathy

Center for Pregnancy Concerns | 410-391-6699