December 2020
Merry Christmas!
Please support our
Christmas Appeal!!
Update from
Our new location is open Monday - Friday and women are coming! We are adjusting to our new location and all of the challenges that come with being on Howard St. next to Planned Parenthood. We haven't seen it all, but we have seen a lot! 

There is not a typical day or a typical client. We have worked with women scheduled for abortions at Planned Parenthood, pregnant women without health care, young girls who think that they are pregnant, and women who want to reverse the abortion pill. We have worked with pregnant women struggling with addiction and women experiencing pregnancy loss through miscarriage. There is not a day without a challenge.

We strive to reflect the light of Christ in all that we do. We are so grateful to know that you are praying for us, and with your support, we are strengthened. We wish you the joy and peace that only Christ can bring to this world this Christmas and hope you have a blessed New Year.  
Center for Pregnancy Concerns | 410-391-6699