Volume 25-2, January 22, 2025 | |
Where Grace Happens
Welcome to our second newsletter of 2025 during a very snowy week. This issue includes news of: the nursery, Coffee Hour (appeal!), family events, NEW caretaker support group, women's book group, and a Friends of Music concert.
Read on - you don't want to miss any of it!
Our next newsletter will go out on February 5th.
Please let Sue or Christine know by the previous Friday January 31st, if you have news to share.
Our calendar on the Community Church website
CPC Ringwood YouTube Channel
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Message from Pastor Arlene
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26
Do you know that the spirit of God is at work within you?
Before Jesus went to the cross, he instructed his disciples with his final words. These were the teachings he gave them in the Upper Room at the Last Supper. There, he wanted to be sure they knew that his death would not be the final word, but, even more than that, Jesus wanted us to know that by faith in him believers would also receive the Helper, the Advocate… also known as the Holy Spirit.
At baptism, the Holy Spirit is promised to each one of us. It is the Holy Spirit that woos and draws us to seek Christ and live into God’s will for our lives. It is the Spirit that shapes and molds us more and more into the image of Christ. And it is also the Spirit that convicts us when we do wrong.
In addition, it is possible to diminish the Spirit’s effectiveness by undue criticism of ourselves and others, and failing to forgive as we have been forgiven. We can stunt the Spirit’s work by building walls and refusing to see and accept the difficult lessons the Lord is trying to teach us.
But when we open ourselves up to the Spirit’s movement within, we become sensitive to our inner vibrations. Anxiety and stress are indicators that the Spirit is trying to do something with us, if only we would allow it to happen. Human beings do not like seeing what the Spirit may reveal, but when we allow the Spirit to do her work, removing the harmful ideas and attitudes and soothing the rough edges within us, the blessings we receive are filled with true life.
So… how DO we know when we are being prompted by the Spirit? We know by the fruit the Spirit produces… Love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, Faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are the fruit of the Spirit. When we find our lives moving toward these things and away from negative feelings and pessimistic responses, we know the Spirit is doing her work within us.
Prayer is the very best way to align our inner lives with the Spirit’s prompting. Pay attention next time you find yourself bristling, irritated, or anxious and ask for the Spirit’s guidance. It takes practice and may take some time to notice the Spirit within, but trust me (or Jesus, for that matter,) that the Spirit IS at work within you.
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Nursery News from the Director of Children, Youth and Families
I am excited to share that our Nursery is fully staffed with both adult and teen leadership to provide our littlest friends with a wonderful Sunday morning experience. Time is spent, singing and playing, hearing stories and more playing. Our first goal for the little ones in the nursery is for them to know they are loved and that they feel safe.
Our adults are Julie McQuarrie, Catherine Morgan and Jennifer Faccilongo and our teens are Megan McDonald and Virginia Rynkowski. They are wonderful and I feel so fortunate to have them in the nursery. All time in the nursery will focus on play and safety. Incorporated with that are bible stories, activities and other fun things we can do to continue to draw children closer to God. These children are one of our greatest blessings at CPC and we want them to grow up knowing that!
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Call for Coffee Hour Hosts
Coffee hour is very important. As we have said before, “real church is at coffee hour” - that’s how important it is.
Coffee hour is where we catch up with each other, share news, hear more details about and plan events, offer and receive help and advice from our friends and fellow church members. Coffee Hour is where stuff happens.
AND YET - everybody loves attending Coffee Hour, but nobody wants to help provide it.
If you haven’t done it before, it can seem daunting, but you don’t have to set out a banquet and help is always available. CPC provides bagels, butter, cream cheese, coffee, tea, milk, half and half (thank you Christine).
You need to pick up the bagels (already paid for) from Cupsaw Market. If you want to provide more 'goodies', you don’t have to be a great chef - local stores have a great supply of baked goods. If you can put out the tables and turn on the coffee pot – and maybe help clean up afterwards, you can do it!.
If you enjoy Coffee Hour, please consider signing up for the occasional week – the whole congregation will love you for it!
Click here to sign up NOW!
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Upcoming events for Children, Youth and Families
If you have any questions please reach out to Tracy Rynkiowski
Jan 26 - Community Youth - (gd 6-12)
We will be watching The Prince of Egypt to wrap us our study on Moses. We will begin during our regular meeting time and will carry over into lunch. We will finish up by 1 and brunch will be provided.
Feb 2 Winter Fun Day - at Johnsonburg Retreat Center - 1 pm - 6pm
Come join the staff of Johnsonburg Retreat Center for a wonderful day of outside family fun! There will be games, camp activities, a hot cocoa bar and breakfast for dinner. Enjoy the winter fun at our beautiful Presbytery Retreat Center, for families with all ages of children.
Feb 9 "Souperbowl of Caring" food drive.
For not only all families - but our entire congregation.
Please help us stock CFA's pantry. Bring canned goods to church on Feb 9 to help those who need a little support this winter. This is one of our greatest opportunities to support and care for our own community and it is so easy. Just collect a few (or many - thats up to you) non perishable food items and bring them to church on Feb 9. All donations stay in our own community.
March 28 - 30 at Johnsonburg Retreat Center 7 pm - 11 am
This spring, come join Johnsburg for a big, energetic youth retreat! We are welcoming youth grades 6-12 to come for a weekend of self-discovery, spritual growth and fellowship. This event is hosted for youth groups and space is limited, let Tracy know if you are interested.
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Monthly Caretaker Support Group
A caregiver is a person who provides physical or psychological care to others who aren’t able to help themselves fully on their own due to declining health, an illness, injury, or chronic underlying medical conditions. Caregivers are often stressed, and experience higher levels of anxiety, depression and burnout. There are so many among us—in our church, in our neighborhoods, and in our families—who serve as a caretaker to others, and we at Community Presbyterian Church want to help!
Starting January 29 at 7:00 PM, a self-help caregiver support group will meet once-a-month, on the last Wednesdays of each month in Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the group is to provide emotional and spiritual support, a place to debrief and unload, and share the experience with others who are also serving as a caregiver to others.
Interested in joining, or know someone who is? Want more information? Contact Karen Caviasco at caviasco@optonline.net
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Women’s Book Group
The first meeting of our group will be held at the church next Monday - Monday, January 27th. Please read the sections titled “10th Anniversary Note from Brené” and “Preface,” as well as taking your “Wholehearted Inventory” at www.brenebrown.com/wholeheartedinventory We will begin our discussions here.
It's not too late to join us. We will be meeting in Fellowship Hall, twice a month to discuss the latest chapter and how Brené's work might influence our lives for the better. If you would like to be included, email Pastor Arlene rev.arleneromaine@gmail.com
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Creating a Culture of Change
Our good friend Reverend Richard Hong presented a Presbytery workshop on 'Creating a Culture of Change' earlier in 2024. The video of the presentation is now available and I would encourage all our Elders (currently on Session or not) to watch it. Rich has a lot of good advice, which is backed up by his success at his church in Englewood!
Click here to watch the video
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Why Every Progressive Church needs Digital Ministry in 2025
Essential, Not Optional: Why Every Progressive Church Needs Digital Ministry in 2025
Jan 23, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Presented by Hudson River Presbytery
Digital ministry was not a bandaid for the pandemic but new muscles that churches must continue to stretch and develop, now more than ever. With the political shifts happening around us, progressive faith communities must have a digital expression in order to boldly proclaim a liberative perspective of faith, theology, and spirituality as well as to create spaces where people in need of a progressive faith community can find connection and belonging. This session will offer a theology of digital ministry, explore tips and best practices, and reflect on why digital ministry is no longer optional but an essential approach for all progressive churches.
Read more and register
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Position Available - Financial Administrator
The Presbytery of Highlands is seeking a Financial Administrator to begin in March.
After nearly 18 years of dedicated service to the presbytery, pastors, treasurers, and congregations, Lizabeth Hutchinson will be retiring at the end of March. While it will be impossible to find someone who can fully replace Liz, we are seeking an individual who can step into the role and continue her impactful work.
Read more
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