Volume 25-1, January 8, 2025 | |
Where Grace Happens
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025 with a new year's message from Pastor Arlene. This issue includes news of the following upcoming events: New Year's Resolution Coffee Hour, Souperbowl 2025, the Men's Dinner Club, a new Caretaker Support Group, and the Women's Book Group. There is also exciting news from Skylands Learning Center and a financial update from our Finance Chairman.
Read on - you don't want to miss any of it!
Our next newsletter will go out on January 22nd.
Please let Sue or Christine know by the previous Friday 17th, if you have news to share.
Our calendar on the Community Church website
CPC Ringwood YouTube Channel
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Message from Pastor Arlene
Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-20
For generations God had been speaking to God’s people through the promises of God’s covenant, the lived experiences of God’s people, and the warnings of God’s prophets. But the time was coming when God would “reinvent” God’s people and introduce a new covenant—one of grace and reconciliation with God. It all began with the incarnation.
For the first (and only) time ever, God came down to US, in order to speak God’s word to us directly. Through human words and extraordinary miracles designed to get our attention, Jesus taught us of God’s benevolent love and God’s plan to free us from the fear of God, and to liberate our souls from separation with God, our Creator. This “new thing” God did for us frees us to live life anew, to try new things, and serve the Lord fearlessly!
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Apostle Paul tells us that when Jesus Christ is in our lives we become a whole new person, the old life and past sins are left behind. In Christ, we have been given a fresh start to live as God wants us to live—whole, free, and fearless. This is the ultimate new beginning!
In this new year, I pray you claim the fresh start that is offered to us each morning, in Christ our Lord! Be on the lookout for the new things God is doing in your life, and be an active part of the new life we live together, here at Community Presbyterian Church.
Happy New Year to ALL!
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Bruce Robertson Memorial Service
A celebration of the life of our good friend Bruce Robertson will be held in the Sanctuary at 10:30am on Saturday, January 11th. Light refreshments will follow in the gym. Everyone is invited to attend.
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The Passing of Jay B. Knotts
Our dear friend and longtime member of the congregation, Jay Knotts, passed away at the end of December. Spring in Ringwood was Jay's favorite season for almost 50 years. Join us in the Spring as we celebrate his life. Watch this space for details.
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New Year's Resolutions Coffee Hour - this Sunday!
Many people start the New Year by making resolutions. Everything from losing weight to exercising more, to eating right. But the best resolutions are less “me” focused and make a difference in the lives of others. The easiest way to do that is right here, at Community Presbyterian Church! There are so many different ways to live out our faith and serve the Lord at CPC, from signing up for Coffee Hour, serving on a committee, volunteering to be a Liturgist, cooking a meal for a shut-in, volunteering at CFA, joining the choir, teaching the children, and so many more!
At Coffee Hour on Sunday, January 12, members of CPC’s various committees and ministries will present a brief synopsis of their work and the various opportunities for you to get more involved.
Join us to find out where your gifts lie and how you can best use them in 2025!
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Message from the Finance Chairman
First, thank you to everyone who has already pledged for 2025. If you have not already done so, it is not too late for you to enter a pledge for this year. There is still a significant shortfall in our budget goal and as we continue to expand our ministry in music, education and mission, we need funds to support these programs.
Second, if you pay your pledge via Realm and use a credit card, you may not be aware that the church pays the 3% fee charged by the credit card company for the use of the card. If possible, it would be very helpful if you could either switch to direct deposit from your checking account, which only incurs a very small fee, or consider adding 3% to your contribution to cover these fees. In 2024 the church incurred over $2,000 in fees.
Many thanks for your help and support,
Rich Crowe
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A Chance to Do More
Souperbowl Sunday - February 9th.
Help CPC as we join with churches, schools and community organizations from all over the US to help raise money, stock shelves and bring awareness to the never ending battle of food insecurity in our country. Souper Bowl of Caring will be collecting food and money for food banks all over the US on Superbowl Sunday, Feb 9th. All of our donations stay in Passaic County with our local branch of CFA. Watch for signage over the next few weeks and reach out to Tracy Rynkowski if you have any questions.
For all parents or grandparents of our children, ages - nursery through High School.
We are asking you to make sure you have filled out one of our current Child Information Forms. The forms are available on Sundays in their respective spaces, Nursery, Faith in Action classroom and the Community Youth room. Please fill one out for each child and hand it right back to a teacher for filing. This helps us to know how to best serve your children and guarantees we have up to date information.
Any questions? See Tracy Rynkowski.
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3rd Thursday Men's Dinner Club - January 16th
WHAT: Thirsty 3rd Thursday Men's Dinner Club
WHEN: January 16th from 7 to around 9pm
WHERE: TBD - watch your emails for more information!
HOW: Meet at Church at 6:30pm if you want to carpool.
WHY: To share some laughs, good food, stories, reminisce, and spend time with friends
RSVP: To Bill Reilley at billr89@optonline.net or text to 973-255-6334 so that we can make reservations (or to answer any questions)
This is a monthly gathering that is celebrated on the 3rd Thursday each month. If you can't make this one, you can still ask to be put on the list to get a reminder next month. Cheers!
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Monthly Caretaker Support Group
A caregiver is a person who provides physical or psychological care to others who aren’t able to help themselves fully on their own due to declining health, an illness, injury, or chronic underlying medical conditions. Caregivers are often stressed, and experience higher levels of anxiety, depression and burnout. There are so many among us—in our church, in our neighborhoods, and in our families—who serve as a caretaker to others, and we at Community Presbyterian Church want to help!
Starting January 29 at 7:00 PM, a self-help caregiver support group will meet once-a-month, on the last Wednesdays of each month in Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the group is to provide emotional and spiritual support, a place to debrief and unload, and share the experience with others who are also serving as a caregiver to others.
Interested in joining, or know someone who is? Want more information? Contact Karen Caviasco at caviasco@optonline.net
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Skylands Learning Center
Grow New Jersey
We are proud to announce that SLC earned 4 stars in the re-rating process for GrowNJ. Grow NJ Kids gives child care and early learning programs resources to assess and improve their programs, while providing parents with information that allows them to evaluate the quality of programs and make the best choices for their child. The goal is to create a system that encourages ongoing improvement.
Pyramid Model
SLC started the 5 year process in September 2022 to become a Pyramid Model Implementation site. The Pyramid Model is a framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. Pyramid Model promotes the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of young children, birth to five, addressing disparities in discipline practices, promoting family engagement, using data for decision-making, and fostering inclusion of children with, and at risk for, developmental delays and disabilities.
Skylands Learning Center
(P) 973-962-0859
(F) 973-658-6427
If you haven't already, follow us on Facebook.
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Women’s Book Group
The first meeting of our group will be held at the church on Monday, January 27th. Please read the sections titled “10th Anniversary Note from Brené” and “Preface,” as well as taking your “Wholehearted Inventory” at www.brenebrown.com/wholeheartedinventory We will begin our discussions here.
It's not too late to join us. We will be meeting in Fellowship Hall, twice a month to discuss the latest chapter and how Brené's work might influence our lives for the better. If you would like to be included, email Pastor Arlene rev.arleneromaine@gmail.com
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Prayer for the New Year and New Journey
God of the present and future,
A thousand years in your sight
are like a watch in the night.
As you have led us in days past,
so guide us now and always,
So that our hearts discern your call.
May new and old relationships be strengthened.
Read more
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Preaching God's Word in the World | | |
Creating a Culture of Change
Our good friend Reverend Richard Hong presented a Presbytery workshop on 'Creating a Culture of Change' earlier in 2024. The video of the presentation is now available and I would encourage all our Elders (currently on Session or not) to watch it. Rich has a lot of good advice, which is backed up by his success at his church in Englewood!
Click here to watch the video
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