NACE is continuously developing the certification to meet the needs of our dynamic industry. Download the name change FAQs to find out the answers to these important questions:
- How does this change affect current CPCEs?
- Will event professionals, such as photographers, rental specialists and florists be eligible to apply for the CPCE exam?
- How will the certification change for professionals working to attain their CPCE?
- How does this change affect the catering and events industry?
Visit the CPCE page at or email for more info today.
Download the CPCE application.
Here is what one of our CPCEs says about having a CPCE designation:
"Passing the CPCE designation has inspired me and made me feel like I have a fresh start at my career. Additionally, I learned so much while studying for the exam. I highly suggest that everyone in the events industry get their CPCE designation."
- Dawn C. Finley, CPCE, Director of Sales and Catering, The Belo Mansion