Poster Judging Day
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
2:00 – 3:00 pm Public Poster Viewing
3:00-4:15 pm Poster Judging Sessions

Top Three Winners Present at CPIA Annual Meeting
Thursday, October 29, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Present Your Photonics Research
Graduate students from all Colorado Universities and beyond are invited to present their
photonics research at the annual meeting of the Colorado Photonics Industry Association
(CPIA). Register to present a poster no later than October 18th. NOTE: There is no charge to participate. No other registration is required.

Each poster will be evaluated by 3-4 judges, during an assigned Zoom session between
3:00 and 4:15pm on Tuesday October 27th. Judges will assign points based on the criteria
below. The judges, not necessarily experts in your field, will have sufficient time to listen to a short overview of your poster. Your job is to communicate clearly and concisely. Make sure to prepare a short 3-5 min presentation to get the discussion started.

The poster contest is held every year in the fall at the CPIA Annual Meeting. It's a great
place to make industry connections and show your capabilities. Not only are there cash
prizes for the best posters but students have gotten jobs as a result of connections they
have made here.

Cash Prizes 
  • Three "Best Poster" Awardees will receive $250 each.

Judging Criteria
  • Poster clarity and graphical quality, logical sequence with readable graphs and text. As this is a virtual event, you will be asked to upload your poster by 9:00am Tuesday morning on October 27th. A set of up to 10 PowerPoint slides can be provided instead of the usual 30” x 40” poster.
  • Informative poster including clear statement of the research question and why it is important.
  • Ability to give a clear and concise presentation that introduces, presents and summarizes the topic such that a non-expert is left with a clear "big picture" of the most important concepts.

Timeline for Students presenting posters on October 27th
Students are required to attend the open poster viewing and their assigned poster judging
session. The Open Poster Viewing is open to any interested attendees including all judges
and will be promoted among those that register for the annual meeting. The schedule is as
listed below. Students will interact with 3-4 judges during their pre-assigned poster judging

  • 2:00 - Open Poster Viewing
  • 3:00 - Poster Judging Session #1
  • 3:20 - Poster Judging Session #2
  • 3:40 - Poster Judging Session #3
  • 4:00 - Poster Judging Session #4

Timeline for Student Poster Contest winners on October 29th
The top three winners will be notified by noon on Wednesday, October 28th, so that they
have time to prepare a 7-minute PowerPoint presentation for the CPIA Annual Meeting on
Thursday, October 29th. The winners will be emailed their Award Certificates and a $250
check within a week of the CPIA Annual Meeting. The Annual meeting schedule is as listed below. Poster Contest Winners will present their poster presentation in random order.

  • 2:30 - Zoom Room Opens
  • 3:00 - CPIA Welcome, Update and Board Voting Results
  • 3:20 - Keynote Speaker, Betsy Markey, Exec Dir, CO Office of Eco. Development
  • 3:50 - Break and Sponsor Recognition
  • 4:00 - Awards Presentation
  • 4:25 - Student Poster Contest Introduction
  • 4:30 - Student Presentation #1
  • 4:40 - Student Presentation #2
  • 4:50 - Student Presentation #3
  • 5:00  - Adjourn
  1. What if you don't have a poster? A set of nine PowerPoint slides and a title slide actually better fit the on-line poster presentation format. Feel free to use your last conference or group presentation.
  2. Can I submit two posters? Not as first author, because you have to explain "your" poster when the judges go to it.
  3. How are the posters judged? Each poster will be visited by 3-4 judges who will assign points based on the judging criteria above. The judges, not necessarily experts in your field, will have sufficient time to listen to a short overview of your poster. Your job is to communicate clearly and concisely.
  4. Is this just an event for CU Boulder students? No, definitely not. There have been many students participating from other Universities every year, some of whom ended up being award winners .