July 28, 2020
CPLED Recruiting Lawyers
The Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education (CPLED) is recruiting a number of lawyers for various roles to help deliver the Practice Readiness Education Program (PREP), the new Bar admission program for Alberta. Applicants must have five or more years of experience with a background in Business Law, Criminal Law and/or Family Law.

CPLED is actively recruiting the following positions:

  • Virtual Law Firm Assessors – Will assess and provide feedback on student assignments during the Virtual Law Firm phase of PREP. Training will begin in October and work will commence in November of 2020.
  • Practice Managers – Will meet with students during the Virtual Law Firm rotations (three-month period) and provide coaching and mentorship as well as assess students’ practice management skills. Training will begin in October and work will commence in December of 2020.
  • Capstone Assessors – Will assess assignments completed by students during the final phase of PREP, the Capstone assessment. Capstone assessors can choose to assess students’ oral skills such as interviewing or written submissions. Training will begin early next year and work will commence in March 2021.

These compensated positions are for part-time casual contract work that can be done remotely. CPLED will provide the training, resources and support for all positions.

For more information on these opportunities and to apply, view the Join the Team section on the CPLED website.
Court of Queen's Bench Announcements

Law firms, lawyers and court runners with existing charge account agreements or those lawyers and runners wishing to open a charge account agreement are permitted to file documents in all judicial centres through email.

If you are interested in opening a charge account agreement for email filing please direct inquiries to the contact emails provided here.

In order to serve you better, and streamline processes, Court of Queen’s Bench Administration will now require the following procedures to be followed when documents are submitted through the e-filing process.

Effective September 1, 2020, the Clerk of the Court will only accept filing by electronic mail (email), and will no longer accept filing by fax, as an authorized means under Alberta Rules of Court 13.41(2)(c).

At this time paper filing (through drop boxes) is still available under Alberta Rules of Court 13.41(2)(a), however, as per the July 27, 2020 announcement from Resolution and Court Administration Services, a province-wide email filing system is available in all Queen's Bench judicial centres for lawyers. Resolution and Court Administration Services continues to work on expanding the email filing system for self-represented parties, as the Court and the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General move forward with justice digital services and digital transformation.

For additional information on email filing, please see the Court of Queen's Bench Guidelines for Documents filed by Email or Digital Upload.

Effective August 4, 2020, Family Docket Court in Edmonton and Calgary will commence at 9:30 a.m. to enable more matters to be heard by the presiding triage Justice. All litigants who require advice and assistance from Legal Aid Duty Counsel are encouraged to sign onto the virtual proceedings at 9:15 a.m. Counsel are also encouraged to sign onto the virtual proceedings in advance of 9:30 a.m. to check in with the Clerk and deal with any other technical issues.

More information on Family Docket Court in Edmonton and Calgary is available here and here.

Effective immediately and until September 4, 2020 the Court will hear remote binding Judicial Dispute Resolutions (JDRs) province-wide for parties represented by Counsel. To schedule a binding JDR, all parties to the action must be represented by Counsel and all Counsel must agree to proceed via Webex video and/or audio. Counsel must also agree that confidential settlement discussions held during the binding JDR will not be recorded. If an agreement is reached, the agreement will be recorded and documented in accordance with the directions of the Justice conducting the JDR.

Effective July 24, 2020 and until August 17, 2020, due to staffing shortages, the Edmonton Review Office will be closed for administrative inquiries (i.e. in-person/telephone/email inquiries and new bookings). All previously scheduled hearings with the Edmonton Review Officer will proceed during this time. If you wish to adjourn or cancel an upcoming hearing that is already scheduled, please email Dennis.Pawlowski@albertacourts.ca.