April 2020
10-13 August 2020 - Seattle, WA

We're closely monitoring CDC and State guidelines for social distancing and travel related to the COVID-19 virus and will continue to evaluate our ability to hold Convention in August.

For now, we fully anticipate going forward.

If we need to cancel Convention this year due to the COVID-19 virus, all registration fees and meal purchases will be fully refunded.

EO to Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
27 March: To provide additional authority to the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security and to respond to the COVID-19 virus, the President signed an Executive Order to allow issuance of orders to IRR.

Postponing the May 2020 Service Wide Exam
Re-scheduling the MCAP HYT Concerns

I know you have a lot of questions pertaining to the May 2020 SWE due to the release of the ALCOAST 27 March.

Please keep in mind your senior leadership is working around the clock to make the best decisions possible with the lowest impact on our workforce as we continue to balance workforce preservation with mission readiness.

During this challenging time we are all facing, policies and procedures are evolving and changing - this will continue as we go forward. I'm hoping this fact sheet answers some of your questions. As further questions arise, please work those through your chain of command.

I know these are unprecedented times, and I ask that you remain flexible as we continue to work through issues for the safety of our folks.

Continue to take care of yourself, your families and each other.

Semper Paratus
Coast Guard Extends Validity of Periodic Medical Assessments to Free Up Health System for

The Coast Guard said it will extend the expiration dates of most medical assessments in order to alleviate potential strain on service clinics and sick bays throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

The Commandant’s notice added that the 120-day extension to reduce non-acute healthcare visits would also serve to reduce travel. Guidance released earlier this month said that “official travel to U.S. locations experiencing sustained community transmission of COVID-19 may only be performed if it is mission-essential, time-sensitive work that cannot be handled via distance or remote means.”

  Book of the Month
  SurvivalNations - Surviving a Disease Pandemic is an epic book describing all aspects of an outbreak of a worldwide pandemic and how to protect yourself and loved ones. It is part of Dr. Leland Benton’s “Survival Planning series” of books and it describes flu epidemics, what is swine flu, h1n1 virus, what is h1n1, flu outbreak, foodborne disease, and contagious diseases. It is a comprehensive desktop compendium and guidebook that describes everything you need to survive any pandemic.

The CPOA USAA Credit Card
  • Use the card that shows your pride in the mission and programs of the CPOA.

  • Save on annual and foreign transaction fees.

  • Show your pride with an exclusive card design.

Together We Served
Find Your Boot Camp Friends
   Interested to find old friends you went to Boot Camp with? If so, Together We Served has made it even easier.

  They have extended their unique "Also There" feature to find more members who were in Boot Camp at the same time as you. Even if they could not remember their training company or platoon, we can match you based on location and start month.
  All you need to do is enter whatever boot camp details you can recall and we will find other members who trained alongside you!
To obtain your Free Full Membership, please go to this   special link only for CPOA/CGEA members. 
 Family of deceased Coast Guard members who wish to join CGTWS to create a Remembrance Profile for their loved one should email  admin@togetherweserved.com .
 For more information on  TogetherWeServed.com , please view their short informational video at:  www.youtube.com/twsmilitarywebsites
Recently Retired?
If you've recently retired and were using an allotment to pay your dues, there's a good chance you are no longer an active member. Please  read these procedures  for starting, changing, and stopping an allotment in Direct Access II/Retired Global Pay Self-Service. 
  Or just call the U. S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center 
to talk to a pay technician 
Not receiving your magazine? 
 If you've recently retired and were using an allotment to pay your dues, there's a good chance you are no longer an active member. Please  read these procedures  for starting, changing, and stopping an allotment in Direct Access II/Retired Global Pay Self-Service.  
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Thanks for visiting our Ships Stores! Find what you're looking for yourself or great gifts for your friends. You'll find unique merchandise with the CPOA or CGEA logos on t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, and more. Just click on the graphic links above to enter!
Admin Notes: 
  • Although our e-newsletter conforms to Coast Guard directives, we request that newsletter recipients provide their home email address to alleviate any concerns. Please click the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this newsletter to make the change.   
If, for some reason, you are no longer receiving  The Chief , send an email to:  membership@uscgcpoa.org  
Coast Guard National Retiree Website can be found  here.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in U. S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers Association or the Coast Guard Enlisted Association. The content of this message does not reflect the official position of the United States, the Department of Homeland Security, or the United States Coast Guard. Don't forget to add  coastguardcpoa@gmail.com  to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! 
You may  unsubscribe  if you no longer wish to receive our emails.
Mailing Address:
U. S. Coast Guard CPOA/CGEA
5520-G Hempstead Way
Springfield, VA 22151