March 2023

28 - 31 August

Our 54th CPOA & 22nd CGEA Convention will be held in conjunction with the American Legion Convention in August by offering the opportunity for our members to not only conduct our own business, but to attend many American Legion events and functions as well.

Permissive orders have been authorized
(ALCOAST 069/23, DTG R 171603Z FEB 23 )
Looking to increase your brand awareness???
Become a Convention sponsor by purchasing a table
or supplying a goody bag item!

Coffee with the Commandant

On 17 March, our National President, Executive Director, and a few Board members will have a sit-down meeting with the Commandant at CGHQ. If you have any questions you would like us to ask, please let our President know by sending him an email at:

Save the Date
CG Foundation
Golf Tournament
22 May

Join us at the Coast Guard Foundation scholarship golf tournament. Please email RADM Jim Olson (ret) at: or to register
Membership Matters Booklets Available
If you're having a CCTI, or just looking to increase your Chapter or Branch participation,
click one of the graphics below for distribution at your local unit!

Captain Caliendo
College Assistance Fund
Now Open
Deadline 1 April

The CCCAF Scholarship assists dependent children of CPOA/CGEA members in defraying expenses incurred at a university, college, or vocational school of acceptance. Applicants participate in an essay contest, with the subject having been selected at the CPOA/CGEA Annual Convention. A Committee consisting of CPOA and CGEA members reads and scores all submitted essays. Three grants in the amounts listed below will be awarded to the individuals submitting the top entries.

  • 1st: $5,000
  • 2nd: $2,500
  • 3rd: $1,000

Find out more on our website:

Walter Gore
Memorial Scholarship
Deadline 1 April

The purpose of the Walter Gore Memorial Scholarship is to assist members of the CPOA/CGEA in defraying expenses incurred at a university, college, or vocational school of acceptance.

Two grants of $500 each will be awarded to the individuals submitting the top two essays.
Find out more on our website:
Reach over 11,500 Coasties!

SGLI maximums are increasing to $500,000

Attention, workforce! You will soon be able to carry a maximum of $500,000 in Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage.

On Oct. 17, President Biden signed the Supporting Families of the Fallen Act, which raised the SGLI maximum from $400,000 to $500,000. The increase will take effect March 1. 

Membership Dues:
Action Needed

If you haven't done so already, please take the time to update your allotment by one of these 3 ways:

 Call: PPC at 1-866-772-8724 for staff assistance

  Log in: Already established as a Retiree in DA? Log in to DA
 Self-Service at Direct Access Self Service
Let them know that you’d like to increase your monthly allotment to $4.00 for Chief Petty Officers Association (blanket code 00066), effective 1 January 2023.
Questions? Please contact us at

Those 80 years and above in 2023 will be “Grandfathered” and not be required to increase their payment.

 State Tax Breaks Available for Military and Retirees

 You may know that military allowances like Basic Allowance for Housing are tax-free. You may also know that most VA benefits are also tax-free.

Did you know that many states do not charge income tax on active duty or retired military pay? Many others tax only a portion of these pays.

To see what type of tax breaks your state offers for military members, retirees and survivors check out our list. 

Book of the Month
When some of America’s military men are captured or go missing during the Vietnam War, a small group of military wives become their champions.

Never had families taken on diplomatic roles during wartime, nor had the fate of our POWs and missing men been a nationwide concern. In cinematic detail, authors Taylor Baldwin Kiland and Judy Silverstein Gray plunge you directly into the political maneuvering the women navigated, onto the international stage they shared with world leaders, and through the landmark legacy they created.

Need to Manage

Sometimes, it's like herding cats. Take a look at this platform...there are free versions available that could help organize your Chapter or Branch members.
Useful Documents:

Need a New ID?

Welcome to the RAPIDS ID Card Office Online. Select an option to update your CAC, manage sponsor or family member ID card information, or find a RAPIDS ID Card Office.
Not receiving your magazine? 
 If you've recently retired and were using an allotment to pay your dues, there's a good chance you are no longer an active member. Please read these procedures for starting, changing, and stopping an allotment in Direct Access II/Retired Global Pay Self-Service. 
If you've PCS'd or moved, please let us know where you are with our change of address form.
Reconnect With Old
Service Friends
These unprecedented times are contributing to a higher level of anxiety, particularly among our Veteran population. The constant flow of often discouraging news, along with a reduced ability to mingle with others to keep spirits up, makes it difficult for some to maintain their morale. TogetherWeServed, a military heritage community website and home to over 1.9 million U.S. Military Veterans, wants to help.

A secure virtual base for Veterans

During a Veteran’s military service, their base, ship or shore station is place to call home – a safe haven to share in the company of some of the finest men and women with a mission in common. Together We Served (TWS) aims to replicate that same spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood in its own “Virtual Base” website.

With its membership containing only active serving and Veterans, TWS provides a secure platform for all Veterans to engage with other Veterans on a level that is simply not possible in most social networking environments.

To obtain your Free Full Membership, please go to this  special link only for CPOA/CGEA members. 
 Family of deceased Coast Guard members who wish to join CGTWS to create a Remembrance Profile for their loved one should email
 For more information on, please view their short informational video at:

Our Partners
Looking for CPOA/CGEA Swag?
Thanks for visiting our Ships Stores! Find what you're looking for yourself or great gifts for your friends. You'll find unique merchandise with the CPOA or CGEA logos on t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, and more. Just click on the graphic links above to enter!
Admin Notes: 
  • Although our e-newsletter conforms to Coast Guard directives, we request that newsletter recipients provide their home email address to alleviate any concerns. Please click the "Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this newsletter to make the change.   
If, for some reason, you are no longer receiving The Chief, send an email to: 
Coast Guard National Retiree Website can be found here.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in U. S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers Association or the Coast Guard Enlisted Association. The content of this message does not reflect the official position of the United States, the Department of Homeland Security, or the United States Coast Guard. Don't forget to add to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! 
You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.
Mailing Address:
U. S. Coast Guard CPOA/CGEA
5520-G Hempstead Way
Springfield, VA 22151