Member Benefits:
 Use code MEMBERPERK to log in
Government Vacation Rewards
The Best prices on tactical, outdoor gear, athletic gear, eyewear and more.
Use Discount Code Y653390 when
making your reservation.
Use Discount Code Z802846 when
making your reservation.
Recent Legislative Activity:
Whether you want to apply your GI Bill benefits to college classes or an on-the-job training program, this tool will help you make the most of them.
Say goodbye to reply-all emails and paper sign up sheets. Coordinate events and people in minutes with online sign ups.
CGEA Ships Store
Looking for coins, caps, clocks, cups, etc?..don't forget to check our
website periodically for items such as these CPO Anchor Plaques from the Seattle Chapter.
Register for April Convention and our 50th Anniversary Gala
Our next Convention has been moved up to April 2019 to facilitate celebrating our 50th birthday and has been scaled down to 3 days, Wednesday through Friday (3-5 April).
Our Anniversary Gala Dinner will be held on Saturday evening 6 April @5:30 at the same hotel. There are 2 separate registration links.
Note: If attending Convention, upon registering and checking out, you will receive an email with the hotel booking link. If you plan to attend the anniversary Gala Dinner as well, be sure to register for that event as well and reserve your room accordingly.
The Government Technology & Services Coalition's Homeland Security Today (HSToday) is the premier non-profit news and information resource for the homeland security community, dedicated to elevating the discussions and insights that can support a safe and secure nation. A non-profit magazine and media platform, HSToday provides readers with the whole story, placing facts and comments in context to inform debate and drive realistic solutions to some of the nation's most vexing security challenges. HSToday's contributors and editors hail from throughout the homeland security community. They are the thinkers and doers who shape and implement the United States' security methodologies, strategies and tactics.
From policymaking in Washington, DC, to operations in challenging security environments, HSToday's vast network of experts deliver the most authoritative, timely coverage of America's efforts to address threats man-made and natural. Learn more and follow us at
TRICARE and You: Retired? Top 13 things to know about the NEW retiree dental and vision plan
The current TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) is ending and enrollment in the new plan is required now if you want to remain covered!
2018 USCG Flags Across America Veterans Day Event -November 3rd
Please join the Washington DC Chapter CPOA and USCG Flags Across America
as we
honor our shipmates in preparation for Veterans Day
see attached flyer
. This family-friendly event
is a
great opportunity to learn about our Coast Guard heroes and rich history. After a brief ceremony, attendees will have the
to walk the Arlington National Cemetery grounds and place flags besides the resting place of Coast Guard men and women. Hope to see you there and lets show our Coast Guard pride.
Here's our flyer for more information.
New CGEA Membership Recruiting Booklets Available
Our brand new CGEA membership booklets are now available. Please send us an email if you'd like for us to send you some to help in recruiting new members.
Coast Guard Capital Area Retiree Council Holiday Party
It's not just for retirees - USCG active, reserves, auxiliarists, and civilians are invited to attend.Their flyer can be found
Book of the Month
In Evening Gray Morning Red, a young American sailor must escape his past and the clutches of the Royal Navy, in the turbulent years just before the American Revolutionary War.
In the spring of 1768, Thom Larkin, a 17-year-old sailor newly arrived in Boston, is caught by a Royal Navy press gang and dragged off to HMS Romney, where he runs afoul of the cruel and corrupt Lieutenant Dudingston. Years later, after escaping the Romney, Thom again crosses paths with his old foe, now in command HMS Gaspee, cruising in Narragansett Bay. Thom Larkin must face the guns of the Royal Navy, with only his wits, an unarmed packet boat, and a sandbar.
Find Your Boot Camp Friends
Interested to find old friends you went to Boot Camp with? If so, Together We Served has made it even easier.
They have extended their unique "Also There" feature to find more members who were in Boot Camp at the same time as you. Even if they could not remember their training company or platoon, we can match you based on location and start month.
All you need to do is enter whatever boot camp details you can recall and we will find other members who trained alongside you!
Family of deceased Coast Guard members who wish to join CGTWS to create a Remembrance Profile for their loved one should email
If you've recently retired and were using an allotment to pay your dues, there's a good chance you are no longer an active member. Please
read these procedures for starting, changing, and stopping an allotment in Direct Access II/Retired Global Pay Self-Service.
Or just call the U. S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center
to talk to a pay technician
Not receiving your magazine?
At most CG units, personal mail will not be delivered to the member...If you've been using a Coast Guard address to receive
The Chief
, please send us an
to ensure we get it changed and that you continue to get your magazine.
Admin Notes:
Although our e-newsletter conforms to Coast Guard directives, we request that newsletter recipients provide their home email address to alleviate any concerns. Please click the
"Update Profile/Email Address" link at the bottom of this newsletter to make the change.
- If, for some reason, you are no longer receiving The Chief, send an email to:
- Coast Guard National Retiree Website can be found here.