A Message from our CPPA President......
Happy July Everyone, I trust your fourth was relaxing!
By getting involved with CPPA, YOU will make a difference!
“The bad news is time flies…The good news is you're the pilot” ~Michael Altshuler
There are very few constants in our lives and time is one of them. We cannot stop it, control it, or harness it. We can capture moments in time by archiving our thoughts in writing and with photos and videos. We can reflect on those times and reminisce, but the reality is when that time passes it’s gone.
Time can be equated to opportunity. How much time (opportunity) has blown away? How many times have you said “…would ‘a, should ‘a, could ‘a done something?” Yes, many times, we allow opportunities to merely slip away because we fail to take control and make decisions. You ARE the pilot of your life; you have choices; YOU, nine times out of ten, can direct where you go and how you arrive.
- When was the time you said in hindsight, ‘wow I should have done that’…why didn’t I do that?
- How often have you NOT taken initiative or made excuses for not making that one last phone call or sales call on Friday afternoon?
In each of those situations, you were the driving force behind that decision – you were the pilot. What prevents you from going the distance, making the right choice, making the next call, getting involved with your regional association CPPA, sending that next thank you, or just telling someone in your life, whether a client, co-worker, friend, or family member that – “hey, you make a difference being in my life”?
The ‘good news is’ that you are the pilot so take control of your life, your decisions – pick up the phone, get involved with CPPA, share your talents and your thoughts! It’s not a major commitment, but any commitment will make a big difference for everyone.
Make the best of your time, invite a friend to join – you’re the pilot!
We’ve got this! Together we can accomplish everything!
Cliff Quicksell, MAS+
President, CPPA
Mark Your Calendars for our Upcoming Webinars!
July 15, 2021 Webinar:
Exploring the Fully Custom
USA MADE Process
12:30 PM
July 29, 2021 Webinar:
Insight on Innovative Packaging,
Kitting and Distribution Trends
12:30 PM
September 9, 2021 Webinar:
Selling Ideas For
Today's Market
12:30 PM
September 29, 2021 Webinar:
Thrive: Your Guide to Prosperity
in the 2020's
12:30 PM
In support of our 2021 Philanthropy Selection, CPPA Cares will be collecting dog toys and items at the registration desk to be donated directly to this wonderful organization.
We will have a list of needed items as we get nearer to the show date. Please consider bringing a new dog toy or other item to donate to this great cause.
Also, Fidos For Freedom will be onsite with service dogs that you will be able to visit with in person and see in action.
Glenwood, MN - American Solutions for Business is excited to welcome Emily Juettner as the organization’s new Events Manager. Emily brings experience in communications, marketing and events and most recently worked at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria, MN as their Senior Sales Manager. Her position will involve planning and supporting events including the ASB National Conference, American Summit, End User Shows and developing new event opportunities to support our salesforce.
Emily started her career in Minneapolis before moving back to the Alexandria area 5 years ago where she currently lives with her husband Jake.
Emily explains, "I am so excited to bring my experience and expertise to the other side of the events industry to help plan fun and engaging events that will make a lasting impression and impact on all attendees. I can already tell I am going to love the fun and energetic culture here at American and I can't wait to jump right in!"
“Emily is a wonderful addition to our growing team,” says Taylor Borst, ASB’s Director of Marketing, Events & PR. “We’re confident that with her extensive knowledge and experience in marketing, sales and events, she will be an incredible asset to ASB.”
CPPA Members....
Don't forget to regularly check
and use your member only coupons!
on this and other
CPPA Member benefits
Promotional Products Education Foundation
2021 - 2022 Academic Year Scholarships
Promotional Products Education Foundation Awards $278,750 In Scholarships
The Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF), the promotional products industry’s nonprofit dedicated to recognizing and encouraging scholastic excellence and academic performance among promotional products industry employees and their college-aged children, will award $278,750 in scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.
“Very few industries are as close-knit and deliberate about the success of others as the promotional products industry,” says Dustin Wicks, vice chair of PPEF’s scholarship committee. “It’s inspiring to see moments when our industry truly comes together to stand behind a great cause. PPEF is one of these efforts that directly contributes to the future success of both our industry and the students that will help lead us into an even better tomorrow. And it’s all made possible by the generous donation of those in the promotional products industry. Our industry continues to step up to help each other and this generous support of PPEF solidifies a very promising future.”
This year PPEF is awarding 130 new and 31 renewal scholarships to selected recipients who have displayed remarkable academic achievement, extracurricular participation and community service. Each will receive between $1,000 and $9,000 to support their college educations. Since the PPEF was founded in 1989 it has awarded $2,726,750 in financial assistance to 1,488 recipients.
Funded by Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) and generous donations from companies and individuals within the promotional products industry, the scholarship program enables youth and professionals to continue their education at the collegiate level. The Association and industry patrons have a long-standing commitment to service of the promotional products industry and this fund supports those who demonstrate that same commitment.
“We are so grateful for those who continue to support the efforts of the Foundation,” says Sara Besly, PPEF executive director, “and so honored to be able to recognize our recipients with these scholarships.”
PPEF is an industry-based nonprofit organization that raises money to help students achieve their higher education goals. PPEF was founded to recognize and encourage scholastic ability and academic performance among promotional products industry employees and their children. Since 1989, it has awarded $2.7 million in financial assistance to 1,488 recipients. More information about applying for and supporting the scholarships is available at www.ppef.us.
SAGE Show - All Are Welcome
It’s back online and better than ever!
August 18-20, 2021
SAGE Show is a three-day nationwide online event for promotional products professionals.
Connect with 200+ exhibitors, see the latest new products, and get ideas in time for the fall selling season. Oh, and it’s free to attend!
3 Reasons Your Business Hasn't Grown During the Pandemic
Kimanzi Constable * Entrepreneur Leadership Network VIP * Content Marketing Strategist
If your business growth has slowed or declined during the pandemic, the good news is that you can do something about that.
We're living through an interesting time. Even before the pandemic, entrepreneurs had the opportunity to reach more potential customers and grow their business through the Internet and social media's power and reach.
Today, people consume content, buy products and services, and learn about businesses through their phones. The barrier to becoming an entrepreneur and growing a company has been removed if you create offers that appeal to a customer segment you're targeting.
While entrepreneurs were pushing busy forward in the building of their businesses, a global pandemic changed how we live, work, and exist. Millions of people lost their jobs, small businesses shut down, and entrepreneurs saw revenue drop quickly.
With so many consumers out of work and fearful of what the future will hold — discretionary spending came to a standstill. It did, has, and will affect businesses that aren't prepared. Read More
Presentation to be held during LDW July 21 - 22, 2021
Scott Hareid and Cathy Miller Named Recipients of PPAI RAC Volunteer Award
Promotional Products Association International, the not-for-profit association representing the $19.8 billion promotional products industry, today announced its 2021 PPAI RAC Volunteer Award recipients. They are Scott Hareid, Hareid Marketing, Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP) and Cathy Miller, MAS, Geiger, Promotional Products Association of the Mid-South (PPAMS) and Sunbelt Promotional Products Association (SPPA).
The PPAI RAC Volunteer Award is presented annually to regional association members who demonstrate an outstanding level of volunteerism, leadership and/or have made other significant and measurable contributions to one or more regional associations. Whether recipients have been actively involved in association programs or impacted association growth and stewardship, the PPAI RAC Volunteer is an enthusiastic advocate who has taken their involvement and commitment to the next level.
“Associations live and die by their volunteers. Without the dedication and hard work of unpaid individuals like Scott Hareid and Cathy Miller, MAS, associations would be hard-pressed to provide the benefits they do to their memberships,” said PPAI Interim President Bob McLean, CPA, CAE, CEM. “As the Interim president at PPAI and a 13-year Association employee, I’m speaking from experience. So I am proud to recognize both Scott and Cathy, this year’s recipients of the PPAI RAC Volunteer Award.
For Hareid, the list of contributions to UMAPP and PPAI is long. As far back as 2009, his contributions were recognized by UMAPP when he was awarded the UMAPP Volunteer of theYear award. Fast forward to 2020 and Hareid’s contributions were being recognized once again as he was honored with the UMAPP Lifetime Achievement Award. Over the years, Hareid has also served PPAI in numerous capacities including as a member of the Board Nominating Committee and Distributors Committee, RAC Delegate to the PPAI Board and many more.
“Scott’s leadership with the association has been invaluable. So many positive and professional changes have been made to the association because of his insight, experience and wisdom,” said Sue Selseth, UMAPP executive director and Hareid’s nominator. “His leadership has been well respected amongst the UMAPP community and he has been a mentor to many new and current members of the association.”
Cathy Miller’s service to the regional community spans over two decades and includes two associations, PPAMS and SPPA. She served as president of SPPA in 2001 and president of PPAMS in 2009 and has held countless committee positions with both organizations. In 2015 she was awarded the SPPA Dianne Watson Volunteer of the Year and in 2021 was inducted to the PPAMS Hall of Fame.
Additionally, Miller has served on PPAI’s Awards and Membership Services committees, as well as been a judge for the PPAI Pyramid Award Competition. “Cathy epitomized the profile of what a dedicated volunteer does and is,” said Janet McMaster, regional VP at Geiger and RAC president in 2017. She is always one of the first to step forward when volunteers are needed on a local, regional and/or national level.‘’
“In my 22 years, I can truly say that Cathy Miller is the kind of volunteer member who only comes along once in a lifetime. She exemplifies the volunteer spirit found in regional associations across the nation,“ said Mark Farrar, PPAMS executive director and Miller’s nominator.
The presentation of the 2021 PPAI RAC Volunteer Award will take place at the virtual 2021 Leadership Development Workshop, July 21-22.