CPR Training Session
Wednesday, June 21st
11:00 am — 2:00 pm
In connection with the Riverbrook Regional YMCA, the Heritage Center is hosting a CPR training session at our Community Center. Based on the Red Cross program, The Y’s Aquatic Director, Sam Lusher, will instruct students on this essential life saving skill.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency lifesaving procedure used to save a life when someone’s heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple the chance of survival after cardiac arrest. The more people learn (and keep refreshed on) CPR, the more lives can be saved.
This course is provided courtesy of the Heritage Center and a generous, anonymous sponsor. However, we suggest a donation of $20 to support future programs. The expected duration is 2-3 hours, the session may end as early as 1:00 pm or as late as 2:00 pm. There are only a few spots remaining, however, please express your interest, as we may be able to host additional sessions. Contact Michelle: mstillman@townofreddingct.org / 938-9725.