June 2023

CPR Class &

Smart Driving Course Offered

Angelica Fontanez 

Director of 

Social Services 


Click here to email Angelica 

Margherita Pilato 

Senior Program Coordinator 


Click here to email Margherita 

Michelle Stillman Administrative 



Click here to email Michelle 

CPR Training Session

Wednesday, June 21st

11:00 am — 2:00 pm

In connection with the Riverbrook Regional YMCA, the Heritage Center is hosting a CPR training session at our Community Center. Based on the Red Cross program, The Y’s Aquatic Director, Sam Lusher, will instruct students on this essential life saving skill. 

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency lifesaving procedure used to save a life when someone’s heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple the chance of survival after cardiac arrest. The more people learn (and keep refreshed on) CPR, the more lives can be saved.

This course is provided courtesy of the Heritage Center and a generous, anonymous sponsor. However, we suggest a donation of $20 to support future programs. The expected duration is 2-3 hours, the session may end as early as 1:00 pm or as late as 2:00 pm. There are only a few spots remaining, however, please express your interest, as we may be able to host additional sessions. Contact Michelle: / 938-9725. 

AARP Smart Driving Course

Wednesday, June 14th 

11:00 am — 3:00 pm

AARP will be offering their 4 hour driver safety course. Refresh and learn driving skills, rules of the road, tricks to eliminate distractions and proper car maintenance tips and more. This 4-hour course will guarantee at least a 5% reduction in your insurance cost. Cost is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non members. To hold your spot, contact Michelle: / 938-9725. Please bring your checkbook or cash that day.

  • Yoga Nidra will be at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, June 20th, via Zoom. Please contact Margherita or 203-938-9725 if you’d like to try your first session free.

  • Meditation with Dev will be on Wednesday, June 21st at noon, via Zoom. Please contact Margherita or 203-938-9725 if you’d like to join.

  • No Spanish classes on Thursday, June 28th.

  • For all those that are thinking of joining Ukulele, Drawing Basics, Art, Spanish or Italian, those classes will be off for the summer. But please get in touch if you are thinking about joining in the fall. If we know we have enough interest for certain programs in the fall, it helps with our planning.

June 2023 Calendar

Above all, stay safe, be well!