Welcome back! 

We are so excited to welcome our new and returning students to the Fall 2022 semester! In higher education, the fall semester is the start of the new academic year. This means there is a new catalog (official publication containing information about your curriculum, policies, etc.), new programs, and new students!  

The start of a new academic year is the chance to start anew! Even if you never really took a break, there is still some excitement surrounding the start of the academic year. For us higher education administrators, this is one of our favorite times of year. There are so many possibilities and opportunities that await us! We hope you can sense the excitement when talking to your advisor and professors.  

We can’t wait to help you achieve your goals this year! 


The Advising Team 
Honors, Awards, and Acknowledgements
Spring & Summer 2022 Graduates
We congratulate our newest alumni on their fervent efforts in advancing their education! Many have overcome numerous obstacles in the pursuit of this degree. We applaud your efforts and cannot wait to see your impact on the world!

Spring 2022
Colleen C. Becker
General Studies, BIS
Robert W. Brickhouse
Leadership, BIS
Anthony J. Brunco
Leadership, BA
Minor in Organizational Development & Management
Cum Laude
Daniel Duffy
Organizational Development & Management, BIS
Minors in Communication and Psychology
Cum Laude
Margaret M. Duffy
Organizational Development & Management and Public Service and Administration, BIS
Minor in Leadership
Cum Laude
Priscilla Holmes
Organizational Development & Management, BIS
Minor in History
Cum Laude
Brian Kilroy
General Studies, BIS
Minors in Communication, Criminology, and Theology
Edward N. Lacinski
 Information Systems, BIS
Minors in Japanese and Asian Studies
Rebecca Mandato
English, BA
Minor in Gender and Women's Studies
Giovanna A. Mitchell
General Studies, BIS
Minors in Communication and Honors
Cum Laude
Duc V. Nguyen
General Studies, BIS
Minor in Biology
Maalik B. Wayns
General Studies, BIS
Minor in Communication
Summer 2022
Anna B. Burry
Media and Technology, BIS
Minor in Leadership
Magna Cum Laude
Michael L. Coleman
Leadership, BIS
Madison DeWispelaere
Leadership, BA
Magna Cum Laude
Mary E. Grant
Public Service and Administration, BA
Cum Laude
Samuel B. Haas
Information Systems, BIS
Minor in Cybersecurity
Savannah Hazelton
Associate in Science
Jason T. Keeley
Associate of Arts
Michael D. Kriwonos
Information Systems, BIS
Summa Cum Laude
Sara R. Land
Organizational Development & Management, BIS
Magna Cum Laude
Ryan McDevitt
Organizational Development & Management, BIS
Minor in Leadership
Cum Laude
Karen McGonigle
Public Service and Administration, BIS
Minor in Leadership
Joseph P. Mylotte
General Studies, BIS
Minor in English
Brian Schultz
Organizational Development & Management, BIS
Minor in Leadership
Magna Cum Laude
Michael J. Tomasicchio
General Studies, BIS
Minor in History
Cum Laude
John Weinberger
Information Systems, BIS
Minor in Cybersecurity
Spring 2022 Dean's List
The students below are recognized for academic excellence during the Spring 2022 semester by being named to the Dean’s List. Students who earn a 3.5 or higher in six or more credits are eligible for Dean’s List honors in the fall and spring semesters; see the official Dean’s List policy on our Policies & Forms page.
Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society
On May 2nd, CPS formally inducted 17 students into the Alpha Sigma Lambda Society (ASL), the official honor society for adult learners recognized by the Association of College Honor Societies. Please congratulate these students when you see them in class! 
Michelle T. Agostini
Colleen C. Becker 
Jesse Cunningham 
Madison DeWispelaere 
Michael DiMaio 
James Louis Duffy 
Priscilla Holmes 
Sara R. Land 
Paulette LeGendre 
Karen McGonigle 
Josefita Ojeda 
Ronald R. Pierce 
Michael T. Robinson 
Montea G. Roundtree 
Mary Grace Salomone 
Brian Schultz 
Michael Tomasicchio 
Student Spotlight: Brian Schultz '22 CPS
Brian Schultz, a graduate of the College of Professional Studies, recently completed his bachelor’s degree in Organizational Development and Management, with a minor in Leadership.  

When Brian applied to Villanova, he was the Divisional Managing Director of a well-known manufacturing business within the steel industry, so his Leadership and ODM path felt natural. He worked hard to achieve his position and enjoyed mentoring others with business startups.
While going back to school was not part of Brian’s original plan, it was always in the back of his mind. Earning an associate degree in Network Administration took him longer than he had anticipated. Academics were of little interest to him and maintaining a C average was acceptable. Brian now refers to his past academic experience as his 'previous life.'

Brian credits his wife for encouraging him to continue his education. Inspired by her commitment to pursuing her education in the healthcare field, Brian began taking additional business-oriented courses at a local community college. Brian recalls his economics professor’s words of wisdom, “Education is what you make of it." This motivated Brian to work harder, and as a result he excelled in his courses.

With a new level of confidence, Brian applied and was accepted to Villanova in 2019. While working towards his bachelor’s degree, Brian relocated from New Jersey to Pennsylvania, experienced a pandemic, started a new job, sold and purchased two homes, and in 2021 Brian and his wife welcomed their first child. While balancing all of these responsibilities was challenging, Brian would not change a thing. He has gained a greater respect for students in similar situations.
Becoming a Villanova student has been a life-changing experience for Brian. When asked if he had a favorite professor, Brian said, "That is a difficult question to answer, each professor brought a different perspective to each class, and I learned so much from everyone. The entire staff at Villanova was supportive and helpful along the way, from my academic advisor to the Dean and Assistant Dean."

Brian applies the knowledge he gained in and out of the classroom to all aspects of his life. One thing is for certain, his academic adventure is not over; he plans to take the Six Sigma Course offered through Villanova, and once his daughter is a bit older, he plans to pursue his MBA. Until that time, he encourages others to pursue their education, and become life-long learners. 
Leader Spotlight: Ed Lis, M.A., M.S., M.Div.
Professor Edward J. Lis, M.A., M.S., M.Div., teaches ACS 1000 Ancients and ACS 1001 Moderns for the College of Professional Studies. He earned a Master of Arts in Theology and a Master of Science in Human Services Administration, both from Villanova University; he also earned a Master of Divinity from the Washington Theological Union. In his professional experience, Prof. Lis is a Mission Leader with Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic and was the Director of Mission Integration and Communications for Catholic Human Services before that. His areas of expertise are Theology, Political Science, and History. 

Many Villanova students enter their required Ancients course assuming that, because it is rooted in the Augustinian values of the University, it will only be applicable to them if they identify as Catholic. That is almost never the case. Students often say that they learn so much about themselves in this class and that Prof. Lis shows great respect to all students while helping them to further understand their identities. Students also may feel apprehensive because Ancients and Moderns are reading- and writing-intensive courses, but Prof. Lis never fails to demonstrate patience, understanding, and a commitment to helping CPS students improve their skills and thrive in the academic rigor of Villanova. 

Check out Prof. Lis’ upcoming classes by searching his name in the course listings!  
Advising Resources  
We are so excited to launch the CPS Information Hub organization located on your Blackboard! This portal contains a plethora of information needed at each stage of your academic journey. There is information regarding your academic programs and modules designed to explore your goals. The best part: you can access this portal 24/7 and will always have access to this information once you enroll. Make sure to check back often as we will continue to add information and modules. See instructions below for how to access the course: 
  1. Locate the “Organization Catalog” on the right side of the Blackboard main page 
  2. Click “Browse Organization Catalog”  
  3. Type “CPS Information Hub” in the search bar, select “Search Entire Catalog”, and hit “Go”  
  4. Click the arrow adjacent to the “CPS_Information_Hub” link under “Organization ID” 
  5. Click “Enroll”, “Submit”, then “Ok” 
  6. Once you are enrolled, you can then click on the course name to access the site. “CPS Information Hub” will appear on the right side of your Blackboard homepage whenever you log in. 

Academic Coaching 
Need help creating a schedule for the week? Not sure how to spread out big assignments? You’re not alone! LSS is offering Drop-in Group Academic Coaching sessions to help you feel better prepared for class and more on top of your work. We’ll help you make an individualized homework plan for the week and answer all questions. During the Fall 2022 semester, LSS will be offering Drop-in Group Coaching on Tuesdays between 4-5 pm in Falvey 205. You do not need to sign up to attend. (Please note that for the following dates, group coaching will be in Falvey 206: September 6th and 13th, October 4th and 18th.) 

Outside the Classroom Support
Breakfast Nook
Food Insecurity is the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

It is estimated that roughly 45% of non-traditional college students experience food insecurity, at some point in their college career. Nontraditional students pursuing a college education often work full or part-time and care for family members, while attending school. Due to financial constraints, students will often prioritize their education over their nutrition. CPS recognizes the key role nutrition plays in cognitive function and helping students achieve their educational and professional goals. In an effort to help us better understand your needs, please complete the following short survey.

Lending Library
We’re excited to pilot a new textbook lending library later this semester as part of our expanding network of student support. The library will be housed in the Vasey Lounge (102) and will consist of books donated by Villanova students and professors. We expect our students to respect this new resource by abiding by all policies and processes, caring for the books they borrow, and understanding that we cannot guarantee we will have every book needed. Stay tuned for more information about the launch of our library and the processes to utilize it! 

Loaner Laptops 
Students who need to borrow a laptop on a short-term basis may be able to utilize the laptop loaner program sponsored by the Office of the Provost. See your advisor to inquire about this program. 

Nod Mobile App 
The Nod mobile app is new this year! It is customized to Villanova, and it allows students to listen to meditation, mindfulness and breathing exercises; set goals for themselves; participate in challenges; and connect to other students in the Villanova community. Students have been asking for something like the Calm app at Villanova since the pandemic, and we are able to offer something that is grounded in research and is customized to our community.  

Uwill is a leading mental health and wellness solution that allows students the ability to connect quickly with licensed mental health counselors based on their unique needs and preferences. 
Uwill provides: 
  • 24/7 telehealth counseling 
  • Availability of appointments 24/7 
  • Counseling services at no cost for students 
  • A secure and convenient path to clinical services beyond the usual University Counseling Center hours, including evenings and weekends 
*The Uwill telehealth platform and the counselors working within the platform
are not controlled or supervised by Villanova.
Program Spotlight
Human Resource Management
In Spring 2022, CPS launched new academic programs in HR in partnership with the department of Human Resource Development within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences! The 30-credit major and 15-credit minor focus on foundational human resource content areas and competencies as recommended by the SHRM Curriculum Guidebook. The practice of human resources is important for a variety of professions and industries – including business, management, public administration, psychology, communications, and human services. Additionally, there is a combined BIS/MS in HRD program where admitted students can take 9 credits of graduate coursework that counts towards both graduate and undergraduate degrees. Students who are accepted into this program receive a scholarship for the last 6 credits of the master’s program.  

Please join us for an information session with Bethany Adams, Associate Director of Villanova's Human Resource Development program, on Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30 pm on Zoom to learn more about these exciting new offerings! RSVP Here!
Prospective Fall Graduates
If you are graduating this Fall, please make sure to submit the Prospective Graduate Form on MyNova by Nov. 1st, 2022! 
Career Center
Career Resources for CPS Students
A note from Meredith Okenquist ‘96 CLAS, Career Transitions Coach
The Villanova University Career Center supports the career needs of CPS students as you pursue new academic and career goals. Our resources are crafted and selected for you as experienced students and professionals. Below are some of the many career support resources available to CPS students!

Handshake is a career management platform that will connect you to job openings based on your profile and credentials. Through Handshake, you can apply directly to positions posted for Villanovans. Upon accessing the Handshake platform, click on job postings and then filter your position search based on job function, location, industry, and more. Tailor your job search utilizing these multiple filters to find open roles that match positions you wish to pursue. To access the Handshake platform, click here.

CareerShift is a career management solution that aggregates job postings from multiple online job opportunity portals. The platform allows the user to easily view open positions from multiple, reputable job boards in one place. Accounts must have email addresses with the @villanova.edu domain in order to be activated by CareerShift. To access the CareerShift platform, click here.

Big Interview provides training and practice techniques to improve your interview skills and build your confidence. Students can choose tools that work best for them, including virtual mock interviews for all experience levels and dozens of industries. Accounts must have email addresses with the @villanova.edu domain in order to be activated by Big Interview. To access the Big Interview platform, click here.

Focus2 combines self-assessment, career and academic exploration, decision making, and action planning in one place to help you with determining your choice of academic and/or career path. Focus2 is self-paced, takes 20-30 minutes to complete, and the report generated will speak specifically to interest and opportunities relevant to you. Accounts must have email addresses with the @villanova.edu domain in order to be activated by Focus2. To access the Focus2 platform, click here and use ‘wildcat’ as the access code.

Would you like personalized 1:1 career coaching? To make your individual career management appointment, click here. Your appointment can be held virtually or on-campus by selecting the platform when you make the appointment. All CPS career sessions will be held by Meredith Okenquist ’96, Career Management Coach.
College Hacks
Citation Frustration?

The best way to describe citations in college writing is vexing. You could have a near-perfect research paper, but if you are missing citations or your citations are not formatted correctly, your grade can take a serious hit. You may be left wondering, “If I wrote a good piece, why does silly formatting matter?” Well, there are a few reasons, including professors wanting to see that you can follow complex directions, adhere to research and writing standards, and protect academic integrity. But sometimes, once you finally get the hang of it, you are either hit with a completely new paper format or the formatting standards are updated by their respective governing bodies (chill out, APA). Here are some of the most important tips I can fit into a bite-sized newsletter piece:

  • Not sure if you should cite something? CITE IT. Cite all your sources, even in the smallest of writing assignments. Cite, cite, cite, then cite again. Did I mention cite?
  • You will need something in the text of the paper (in-text parenthetical citations or footnotes), as well as a more thorough list at the end (references page/bibliography/endnotes).
  • Bookmark Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL). You are welcome.
  • Be careful with bibliography-generating websites. They miss A LOT. If you use one, be sure to proof every citation for proper formatting.
  • If a professor has not outlined their preferred style or format, ASK THEM. If a professor does not mind which style you use, choose the one you know best and are most comfortable with.
  • As you move farther in your area of study, the required writing style will likely remain consistent (i.e., Chicago for History majors, APA for Psychology or Education majors, etc.) – professors may even recommend you purchase the hardcopy style guide as one of their course materials.
  • Always take advantage of a rewrite. It will make your writing better.
  • Book Writing Center appointments in advance of busy times when appointments fill up (i.e., midterms, finals, etc.). They have virtual options, but you must book early! Check your syllabi for major due dates and plan appointments accordingly.
  • Do not sleep on Falvey’s subject guides when looking for reliable sources in each academic area. I still use subject guides to find relevant research to inform our work in CPS!
  • Regardless of what word processor you prefer, always download your papers as Word docs and then double-check that the formatting did not get lost in translation. Word docs are the safest option when uploading to Blackboard – the platform does not support all file types.
  • You may notice yourself choosing a favorite database. This is incredibly nerdy & completely normal (it’s ERIC or JSTOR for me).
  • Use index cards to keep track of quotes and citations, and then chuck them across the room one-by-one as you add the info to your paper. Soooo satisfying.
Health Professions Advising Program
We encourage all students who are interested in health professions to register with the Health Professions Advising office! Their Blackboard group contains a wealth of information regarding applications, preparation, and group events. Please register using the following steps in the image below.
Students can sign up for individual appointments with Dr. Louise Russo via the HPA Blackboard site in the main Content folder.
Pre-Law Advising
Interested in attending law school? Check out one of the pre-law events hosted through the Pre-Law Advisor, Alexandra Karlesses, in the Career Center! All pre-law events are listed in Handshake and are a mix of in-person and virtual options. See some of the upcoming pre-law events below and a more comprehensive listing by visiting https://www.bit.ly/vuprelawevents. Because more pre-law events may be added throughout the semester, please make sure to frequently check Handshake for the most up-to-date event information! Students can also opt into the monthly pre-law newsletter that contains tips, advice, and events on the Pre-Law Advising website.

**Please note that these events are not affiliated with Villanova Law School Admissions events. 
Financial Aid Questions?
The Office of Financial Assistance has opened virtual meetings where they can answer any individual questions you may have regarding your eligibility or package. Please click on the linked names below in order to schedule a virtual appointment with a financial aid counselor. Unless by special request, meetings will be held through online options such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Skype. If you would like to have a phone call instead, please indicate in your meeting request.
Last Names A-M: Nathan Walch              Last Names N-Z: Alycia DiNardo

The 2022–23 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is available for students to complete online at fafsa.gov and through the myStudentAid mobile app. 
Let's Get Connected!
We’ve curated Villanova’s various social media accounts and newsletters for you! Please check out the list and get engaged! Don’t see a club or organization of interest, you can create one by connecting with the Office of Student Involvement ([email protected]). 
Fall 2022 Academic Calendar
Oct. 10 (M): Semester Recess
Oct. 17 (M): Classes Resume
Oct. 18 (Tu): Last Day of Classes for FastForward 1
TBA: Registration Begins for Spring 2023
Nov. 22 (Tu): Thanksgiving Recess begins after last class
Nov. 28 (M): Classes Resume
Dec. 12 (M): Final Day of Classes (Full Semester & FastForward 2)
Dec. 13 (Tu): Reading Day for Full Semester Courses
Dec. 14-20 (W-Tu): Final Examinations for Full Semester Courses (No exams on Sun., Dec. 18)
Dec. 15 (Th): Grades Due for FastForward 2
Jan. 3 (Tu): Final Grades Due for Full Semester Courses (12 Noon)