May 2020
NEW Course with Riane Eisler!
Building a Partnership World
CPS is excited to announce the launch of the new online course Building a Partnership World. Developed in partnership with the Omega Institute, in this dynamic self-paced online course Dr. Riane Eisler weaves together knowledge from cultural history, gender studies, economics, and neuroscience to show us how we can construct a more equitable, sustainable, and less violent world based on partnership rather than domination.
Join the CPS Community Online June 1, 2020
Town Hall with Riane Eisler: a Conversation on Partnerism
You are invited to a virtual Town Hall! Join Riane Eisler and the caring economy leadership team on June 1, 2020, 2-3pm Pacific/5-6pm Eastern for Beyond Capitalism and Socialism: a Conversation on Partnerism. Moderated by Rosie Von Lila.
Free and online.
Virtual Town Hall on Post-COVID Economy

Watch the Virtual Townhall on Post-Covid Economy hosted by New York Assemblyman Ron Kim with guests Riane Eisler, R. Trebor Scholz, and Douglas Rushkoff. The Facebook conversation centers around how we can re-humanize our failing economic system in this volatile time. "Changing the values that animate economic systems is the first step." - Riane Eisler

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies

We are happy to announce the publication of the Spring, 2020 issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, with Guest Editor Helga Bragadóttir, Ph.D and Cover art "Northern Lights, 2020" by Margaret Carroll Thompson. The call for papers for the next issue is "Partnership-Based Models of Government Programs."

Every Wednesday
Grandfather's Garden
Weekly Story Time for Children

 In this time of sheltering in place, CPS is delighted to offer a whimsical weekly children’s story time! Brie Mathers reads Grandfather’s Garden, written by Riane Eisler’s beloved partner, esteemed scholar David Loye. Read along with your own copy of the book— and grab your crayons and draw while you listen! Stories include The Mifwump, The Baby Carrot That Wanted to Be a Speedboat Racer, Babbage the Cabbage, and more.

Find a CPS Speaker for Your Virtual Event

In these virtual times, we grow from sharing good news about partnership solutions. CPS Speakers are dynamic presenters who specialize in a range of partnership and caring economy topics. Whether you are seeking a speaker on caring economic models and new metrics, family and community partnership practices, gender equity, or partnership in education, our team of speakers are ready to make your event a success.

Renewal in Volatile Times: Building a Partnership World

We are accepting submissions for the next issue of the CPS Partnership Community News on "Renewal in Volatile Times - Building a Partnership World."

How has the COVID-19 crisis ignited your commitment to creating partnership systems that work for all—linking the personal and the political as a parent, healthcare worker, educator, policymaker, coach, media producer, student, community activist and empowered citizen?

Do you have a recent success story to share highlighting community partnership solutions—the power of partnership on the inner level, in family relationships, or in emerging caring economic systems? Crisis can be an opportunity to release outmoded domination system patterns. We encourage diverse contributors. All published stories will also be posted in the CPS Leader's Blog.

Submissions deadline: June 16, 2020.
Be Part of the Partnership Movement Contribute to the on-the-ground work of caring economy and partnership leaders by making a one-time or monthly recurring donation to the Center for Partnership Studies. Through your donation you ensure that your voice is heard – and that it has real impact. Please join us in making a difference. Thank you!