January 10, 2024

Bible Verse for 2023-2024: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9
2nd Quarter Report Cards – 2nd Semester Schedules
The 2nd Quarter ends on Friday, January 12, 2024. Report cards will be posted in OnCampus on Friday, January 19 after 3:00 pm.

If students have questions about their schedules for the 2nd semester they may email Ms. Bainbridge ( until Friday, January 19, 2024.
Calendar Reminders
  • Monday, January 15: School is closed for Martin Luther King Day
  • Tuesday, January 16: School is closed for faculty professional development
From the Office of Admissions – Re-Enrollment News for 2024-2025
Blessings on the New Year and Happy Re-enrollment Season! Believe it or not, it is that time of year when we begin thinking and planning for the next school year! Re-enrollment will kick off on January 12th, with a deadline of February 9, 2024. Please visit this link for all the details about the re-enrollment process: Re-enrollment for 2024-2025
Athletic Department News
Upcoming Games:
  • Wednesday, January 10: Girls' Basketball at home vs. Mt. De Sales, JV at 4:30 pm and Varsity at 6:00 pm, Boys' Basketball at Chapelgate, JV at 3:30 pm and Varsity at 5:00 pm, MS Girls' Basketball at Beth Tfiloh, A team (postponed) and B team at 4:30 pm.
  • Thursday, January 11: No Games
  • Friday, January 12: Girls' Basketball at home vs. NDP, JV at 4:30 pm and Varsity at 6:00 pm.
  • Monday, January 15 & Tuesday, January 16: No Games
Football Seniors Sign Their National Letter of Intent
Shortly before Christmas, two seniors signed their National Letter of Intent to play at the college level next year. Ernest Willor will play football at the University of Wisconsin and Keshawn Mister will play football at Old Dominion University. Ernest's decision to join the University of Wisconsin Football program was broadcast live on ESPN. Press Box Sport had a reporter at the signing who interviewed both seniors.
Football All-Metro Honors
Head Football Coach Joe Battaglia has been named the Baltimore Sun Football Coach of the Year. (Photo courtesy of the Baltimore Sun)

Seniors Keshawn Mister and Daniel Cousler were named All-Metro Football Offensive Players and senior Ernest Willor was named All-Metro Football, First-Team Defensive Player.
Senior Yearbook Ads
Place an ad in the 23-24 yearbook to honor your senior! Purchase your ad here: CPS Senior Ad. Please see the attached flyer for more instructions and pricing. The deadline to place an ad is now March 31, 2024. If you have questions, email Ms. Bloom:
2024 BLS/CPS Bull and Oyster Roast
Join the BLS/CPS Alumni Association at the annual BLS/CPS Alumni Bull and Oyster Roast on Saturday, January 27, 2024, 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm at Rosedale Gardens, 8037 Philadelphia Rd, Baltimore, MD 21237.

Tickets include a huge buffet with crab soup, oyster stew, hand-carved top round of beef and smoked ham from the pit, oysters on the half shell, baked ziti, sweet Italian sausage, Swedish meatballs, barbeque chicken, plus numerous salads. Includes soda and draft beer. Eric Laughlin will be the DJ.
Door prizes, raffle prizes (including the famous Wockenfuss Tower of Chocolate), and more!

A portion of the proceeds will go to Concordia Prep student aid. Please bring non-perishable items to donate to the Lutheran Mission Society Food Pantry.
Tickets are $49 each. Tables seating 10 people are $490. If you wish to reserve a table, a full table must be purchased in advance.
  • By January 17: $49.00
  • January 18-24: $55.00
  • At the door: $60.00

Purchase Tickets
PTL News 
PTL Meeting
Yesterday's PTL meeting was canceled due to inclement weather. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13th at 6:30 pm in the media center. We hope you join us!

Volunteers Needed
Use the link below to sign up for upcoming PTL initiatives and events.

Senior Events
Senior families should stay tuned for upcoming information about ordering Senior Banners and the 3rd Annual Senior Dinner hosted by the PTL.
Stay in touch with the PTL...
* Join Remind - Text @cpsptl to 81010
* Follow us on Facebook at Concordia Prep PTL
* Follow us on Instagram at concordiaprepptl
* Email us at with any questions or suggestions
Lunch Menus

Heaven Sent lunch menus: Daily Menu

School Calendar

Wednesday, January 10: Academics, Arts, and Athletics Family Forum, 6:00-7:30 pm.

Friday, January 12: End of Second Quarter

Monday, January 15: School Closed Martin Luther King Holiday

Tuesday, January 16: School Closed, Faculty Professional Development

Friday, January 19: Report Cards Posted after 3:00 pm.

Saturday, January 27: BLS/CPS Bull and Oyster Roast - Purchase Tickets

Friday, February 2: Two-Hour Delayed Opening, Faculty Meetings.

Friday, February 9: Current student re-enrollment deadline.

Thursday, February 15: Third Quarter Mid-Term

Friday, February 16: School Closed - President's Day break.

Monday, February 19: School Closed - President's Day.

Friday, March 1: Two-Hour Delayed Opening, Faculty Meetings.

Thursday, March 7: Noon dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences

Friday, March 8: School Closed, Faculty Meetings.

Friday, March 22: End of Third Quarter.

Saturday, March 23: Bid for Kids Dinner and Auction

Thursday, March 28: School Closed, Maundy Thursday. Report Cards Posted in OnCampus after 3:00 pm.

Friday, March 29 - Friday, April 5: School Closed for Easter Break.

Monday, April 8: School Resumes

Saturday, April 20: Field Day

Monday, April 22: School Closed for Faculty Meetings.

Wednesday, April 24: New Family Night

Thursday, April 25: Matilda Dinner Theatre at 6:30 pm.

Friday, April 26: Matilda at 7:00 pm.

Saturday, April 27: Matilda at 7:00 pm.

Sunday, April 28: Matilda at 2:00 pm.

School's Main Number: 410-825-2323

EDP Telephone Extension: