June 19, 2014 
In this issue:
- The Captain's Spotlight is on Captain David Hammond of Delta Pro Fishing!
- In the Captain's Corner we take a break from our series about life jackets to review the Local Notice to Mariners.
-The topic in Frequently Asked Questions this week is "What if my application is denied?"
- Don't forget to check out and pass along the dates of our next Captain's License Classes. 
- Our live online classes are one of the most convenient ways ever to get your Captain's License. Make sure you get a look at how it works.   See "Our Live Online Classes" at the bottom of this page.
We hope you enjoy this issue and look forward to your suggestions and feedback!


Lori and Rachel Cortez

CQuest Marine 

(510) 573-0641


Captain's Spotlight
To continue our Captain Spotlight series, CQuest Marine would like to introduce Captain David Hammond of Delta Pro Fishing!



At CQuest we believe that it is important that people have access to quality services to help them follow their dream of becoming a U.S.C.G. licensed Captain. Everyone that comes to us has an idea of what they will be able to do with their license, what kind of dream they will be able to pursue once they've become a Captain. It is always a joy for us to see our former students become successful Captains. It is a proud moment to see our students become Captains, and it is a pleasure to know Captain David Hammond gets to live his dream. "I take people fishing for a living", he says, "that definitely qualifies for a dream come true". Captain David now owns and operates Delta Pro Fishing running charters year round in Northern California.


Making the decision to leave the daily grind work force and become an entrepreneur is a big step for anyone. "You never know when you start a business how it's going to end up", he says. It takes a lot of dedication and care to really make a business grow, and Captain David has spent seven years putting his time and effort into something he's passionate about. It's obvious that he has a genuine love for his career, not only for fishing, but for sharing that love of fishing with his clients. He's built a strong foundation for his business by bringing that to the table, and says you always want to always give "110% for your clients". 


Click Here to Read More

Captain's Corner

Weekly questions about the ins and outs of running a passenger vessel.

What is the Local Notice to Mariners?

This week we'll take a break in our series about life jackets to review the Local Notice to Mariners or LNM. It's an important tool for Captains and we think, important enough to add a special section here in our weekly newsletter. 

From the Coast Guard Navigation Center Website:
What is a Local Notice To Mariners (LNM)?

The LNM is the primary means for disseminating information concerning aids to navigation, hazards to navigation, and other items of marine information of interest to mariners on the waters of the United States, it's territories, and possessions. These notices are essential to all navigators for the purpose of keeping their charts. Light Lists, Coast Pilots and other nautical publications up-to-date. These notices are published weekly. The LNM's are available on the World Wide Web. Vessels operating in ports and waterways in several districts will need to obtain the LNM's from each district in order to be fully informed.


Some examples of the kind of information we've seen recently here in the San Francisco Bay area are about the safety zones that have been established around the Bay Bridge construction. The LNM has also reported:


- exclusion zones to protect wildlife

- marine events such as swim events, many with hundreds of swimmers in the water 

- fireworks displays


There is also information about buoys and other aids to navigation. Buoys sometimes move, are damaged or destroyed.  They can be relocated by the USCG, or they can be moved by storms or passing ships.  Sometimes the information about the change is permanent and sometimes it is temporary. Since buoys and lights are important for guiding us home, Captains should review the LNM each week for any changes in the area where they operate. Our charts and publications should be corrected and kept up-to-date with this information.


Another Frequently asked question from the Navigation Center website: 

How does the Coast Guard develop an LNM?

Each Coast Guard District is responsible for developing and issuing LNMs. LNMs are developed from information received from Coast Guard field units, the general public, the Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Merchant Fleet, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), and other sources, concerning the establishment of, changes to, and deficiencies in aids to navigation and any other information pertaining to the safety of the waterways within each Coast Guard District. This information includes: Reports of channel conditions, obstructions, hazards to navigation, dangers, anchorage's, restricted areas, regattas, information on bridges such as proposed construction or modification, the establishment or removal of drill rigs and vessels, and similar items.



We are in District 11, a large area and a long document to review. However, after a couple of weeks it's easy to pick up the items that are relevant to our areas of operation. 


The Coast Guard and other agencies such as NOAA often ask for information from mariners about things like whale sightings, marine debris tracking and feedback regarding proposed changes. We've always found the Coast Guard to be appreciative of the public's involvement. Don't hesitate to interact Captains!


Here's the link to the latest edition:



Look for the new Local Notice to Mariners link in our next weekly newsletter or subscribe and have it delivered to you by email here:


Our Live Online Classes
A New Way to Get Your Captain's License! 
We have received an approval from the Coast Guard to conduct all of our Captain's License Classes in an online format. These are NOT the sit-by-yourself-in-front-of-the-computer classes that you may have seen elsewhere. These are live, online, face-to-face by webcam classes with an instructor and five students at a time on a secure platform. 
It's a new and convenient way to get your license:  
- Easy to fit into your schedule  
- All course materials will be mailed to you 
- No daily traffic hassles  
Find out more about our online classes here:

In This Issue
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Our Next Captain's License Classes
Remember the Coast Guard is currently taking 8 - 10 weeks to process license applications and our Summer Classes are starting to fill up!

There are still a few seats left in each of these classes!

Start Dates:
July 7 Day Class
July 21 Evening Class
Aug 4 Day Class
Aug 18 Evening Class
Give us a call to reserve your seat!
510 573-0641
Check out our website for classes scheduled throughout the rest of the year.

Frequently Asked Questions
Here we cover the Who - What - Where - When - Why and How of Captain's Licensing
What if my application is denied?

Many people are not aware that the Coast Guard has an appeal process in place if an application is denied for any reason. 
The first step is to request reconsideration.
From the National Maritime Center Website:
Reconsideration Process

Step 1-You MUST request reconsideration from the National Maritime Center (NMC) and receive a decision prior to requesting a formal appeal.


Step 2-Request reconsideration in writing, please state why you believe our decision was incorrect and provide all supporting information/documentation you have and attach a copy of the denial, ATT or AI letter provided by the NMC.


Step 3-You will be contacted via letter by the NMC once a decision on your reconsideration has been made.


Step 4 - If your reconsideration request is denied for any reason you have a legal right under Title 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 1.03-40, to request an appeal.


It is recommended that you retain copies of all material you send with any appeal.  Please attach a copy of the Denial, Awaiting Information (AI) letter or Approval to Test (ATT) letter as applicable, to the documentation provided by the NMC in response to this notification. 


The supporting information/documentation that you provide with an appeal or request for reconsideration will vary depending on the reason for the denial. Obviously, any and all supporting legal documentation should be forwarded. It's been our experience that letters of recommendation or character references from others with personal knowledge of your particular case have also been very helpful. 


For more information and sample letters regarding reconsideration and appeals requests process go to:


If we can be of assistance with your application please call or email us:
Phone: (510) 573-0641 


Get Your Captain's License - Follow Your Dream!

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