July 10, 2014 
In this issue:
- Links to our previous Captain's Spotlight articles 
- In the Captain's Corner "How do I update my charts from information in the Local Notice to Mariners?"
-The topic in Frequently Asked Questions this week is "How long before my Captain's License expires?"
- Check the schedule for our next Captain's License Classes. 
- Take a look at our live online classes! They are one of the most convenient ways ever to get your Captain's License. See "Our Live Online Classes" at the bottom of this page to get a look at how it works!
We hope you enjoy this issue and look forward to your suggestions and feedback!


Lori and Rachel Cortez

CQuest Marine 

(510) 573-0641


Captain's Spotlight
Our Captain's Spotlight series will continue in the weeks to come!
In the meantime, if you haven't already had a chance to read our previous Captain's Spotlight features, please check out the first five issues of our newsletters here CQuest Newsletters

Captain's Corner
The Ins and Outs of 
Running a Passenger Vessel

"How do I update my charts from information in the Local Notice to Mariners?"

A new obstruction in the San Pablo Bay area was listed in our Local Notice to Mariners two weeks ago affecting the following charts:


                       - 18649 San Francisco Entrance

                       - 18652 San Francisco Bay to San Pablo Bay

                       - 18654 San Pablo Bay


Where does this information come from?


Do you remember the airplane crash from April 27th that occurred over the Bay?


A NOAA Navigation Response Team assisted with the search operations as requested by the Coast Guard. 

Navigation response teams maintain emergency readiness while checking chart accuracy in changing ports and harbors.
Photo from the National Ocean Service 

The mangled airplane fuselage and the victim were located and removed. However, additional debris was left behind.


That's where the Navigation Response Team comes in. NOAA's Navigation Response Teams survey the seafloor in ports and harbors that have undergone infrastructure updates, shoreline alterations, or seafloor changes. They measure depths and look for underwater hazards that could endanger vessels, to update nautical charts for commercial and recreational mariners.


The NOAA team believes there to be a Danger to Navigation (DTON) that should be charted, and submitted their recommendation to be included in the Local Notice to Mariners saying "This is an area where not only boat traffic tends to cut corners out of the main channel but the debris location is also outside of a private marina where many boaters transit." 

Here's the resulting chart correction on the San Pablo Bay chart:

Chart number 18654 near San Pablo Strait

What does this mean to us? 

We should use the information provided in the Local Notice to Mariners to update our paper charts just like the one pictured above.

The information given in the LNM Week 25/14 is to ADD an Obstruction in Feet; 8 Obstn and gives us a reference to the Chart No. 1 entry K41.


 What is meant by "least depth known"? The "10m" in this illustration represents "least depth known".




So correct your charts, take care transiting the area and look for the Local Notice to Mariners link in each of our weekly newsletters for more navigation information 


Or subscribe and have it delivered to you by email here:


Our Live Online Classes
A New Way to Get Your Captain's License! 
We have received an approval from the Coast Guard to conduct all of our Captain's License Classes in an online format. These are NOT the sit-by-yourself-in-front-of-the-computer classes that you may have seen elsewhere. These are live, online, face-to-face by webcam classes with an instructor and five students at a time on a secure platform. 
It's a new and convenient way to get your license:  
- Easy to fit into your schedule  
- All course materials will be mailed to you 
- No daily traffic hassles  
Find out more about our online classes here:

In This Issue
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Our Next Captain's License Classes
There are still a few seats left in each of these classes!

Start Dates:
July 21 Evening Class
Aug 4 Day Class
Aug 18 Evening Class
September 8 Day Class 
September 22 Evening Class
Call us for more details or to reserve your seat!
510 573-0641
Check out our website for classes scheduled throughout the rest of the year.

Frequently Asked Questions
Here we cover the Who - What - Where - When - Why and How of Captain's Licensing
How long before my Captain's License expires?
A Captain's License is valid for a term of five years from the date of issuance. 
A Captain may not serve under an expired license however, an expired license may be renewed during an administrative grace period of up to one year beyond the expiration date.
After that a Captain must re-apply after retaking all of the exams. 
The Coast Guard made an announcement a month ago regarding delays in application processing times. These delays include renewals. They have recommended submitting applications for renewal at least 90 days before your expiration.  
If we can be of assistance with your application for renewal please call or email us:
Phone: (510) 573-0641 

The Local Notice to Mariners
Here is a link to the latest edition of the Local Notice to Mariners:
Of particular interest this week is:
 An opportunity for us to share comments and provide feedback regarding the Future of Navigation! 

Continuing from earlier LNM entries:
- The new obstruction in San Pablo Bay that appeared in the LNM two weeks ago is suspected wreckage from the April 27 airplane crash. 
Please check out the Captain's Corner feature just to the left of this column for all the details. 
- The whale watch continues in and around our San Francisco shipping lanes. 
NOAA is asking for the public's help in tracking whales. If you see whales, please record the date and location, the number of whales, the species (if known) and a description of the animals. Please email to whales@noaa.gov.Please report any collisions with whales or any observed injured or
dead whales to NOAA at 877-SOS-WHALe (877-767-9425) or to the U.S. Coast Guard on VHF-FM Chan.16. 

Get Your Captain's License - Follow Your Dream!

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