Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Action Items and Important Dates

Giant Foods and Carlos Rosario School Partnership

It's Launch Week- Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School’s first week as beneficiary of the proceeds raised through the Community Bag Program.

Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School has been selected by Giant Food to share a $1 donation for every $2.50 Community Bag sold during the Month of September at all Giant Food locations (item pictured below).

Look for the Because You Care Bag pictured here to make sure it is a Community Bag that will benefit our school upon purchase.

Please help us promote this campaign through posting on social media, spreading the word among your network, or perhaps purchasing a community bag! If you purchase a bag, please share any photos with Donald Ndebeka at [email protected] so that we can share!

News and Updates

SY 2023-2024 Begins

Happy First Week of School! The halls are buzzing as we welcome our students at the beginning of the SY 23-24 school year. Students lined up and down the block enter our school building on the first day. We were able to distribute almost 1,500 laptops in two days before school even began! Thanks to significant process improvements and cost savings, it appears we are on track for significant reductions in the cost of internet for our devices. We are also piloting the use of Chromebooks in six morning classes across our two campuses. If the pilot is successful it will be a major step towards maintaining our 1-to-1 device program. More to come.

Enrollment Update

The Registration Department’s efforts continue as we try to fill all available spaces with eligible applicants. We have nearly 2,300 charter students enrolled in our classes. Based on historical data, we expect about 250 “no-show” drops which we will backfill from our wait list. This is a complex effort led by our Registration and Assessment Teams, so be sure to give these team members kudos on a very successful open enrollment period.

All-Staff Meeting

Thank you for joining us during our first All-Staff meeting on August 25th. Carlos Rosario School faculty and staff gathered in the auditorium of our Harvard Street Campus. We connected as a school community and prepared for starting the school year strong. After the meeting, the school community enjoyed an ice cream social held outside the auditorium, celebrating the beginning of the new school year.

We’re grateful for your engagement and commitment to our mission. Here is the presentation from the meeting so you can review on your own time.

Student Information and Learning Systems (SILS) Updates

This is an update for those who use Achieve3000. There is an integration that occurs when teachers and students click into Achieve via Schoology, so the setup teachers will need to complete before classes start is for their class only (and takes approximately five minutes). While in class, students can click a link and access Achieve with no extra password. This will lead to clean data for SIS numbers.

Communications and Branding Resources on the Intranet

Intranet Reminder

A friendly reminder to access the School’s Communications and Branding page on the Intranet to support your work. 

You can find useful information, including:

  • Archive of bi-weekly bulletins
  • Communications and Development Department Guidelines
  • CR School logos including for email signatures (External use of the logo needs prior authorization)
  • CR School official letterhead (external usage of the letterhead needs approval from Development and Communications Department)
  • CR School Fact Sheet
  • Photo tips

You can access the Intranet by navigating to and clicking on the “Employee Intranet” tab at the top of the page (see below image for reference). When accessing the Intranet homepage, click on the “Central Resources” tab at the top and then click “Communications & Branding” to access helpful branding resources.

Make sure to visit the below pages, and share the resources with your team.

  • Homepage here.
  • Employee Resources here.
  • DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging) here.

NEW FEATURE! Communications Corner

Each bulletin, we will highlight a Communications tool to help support you and your team with work. Please tune in for a new highlight each edition of our Bulletin.

Process When Featuring Students in School Communications


When featuring students in videos/photos outside of the School (i.e.: interviews, social media posts) we request that they fill out a release form. An example of when this is needed follows: 

  • If a student wants to share their achievements, such as their story or artwork etc, with the School for broader acknowledgment (beyond just their classroom, such as social media) by the Communications Dept: the release form allows for the use of the work inside or outside the School. 

Take some time to review the Communications page on the Intranet for additional resources. Tune in next Bulletin for another resource!

Fall 2023 Construye DC+ (OSHA-30) Classes

The Carlos Rosario School is offering OSHA-30 (Construction Safety, in Spanish Only) for Fall Semester 2023 starting in Mid-October and ending in late November for a seven-week series. The classes are on Monday and Wednesday evenings at Harvard Street Campus, offered in-person and the fee is $150.00. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. Spread the word!

Questions? Call Raúl Medrano at (202) 383-0736

Help Expand the Carlos Rosario School Team!

Carlos Rosario School is hiring for a variety of positions, including Director of Advancement, Substitutes, GED Instructors and Tutors, an Outreach and Recruitment Specialist, and so much more. Know a colleague or someone who would be a great fit? Invite them to learn more and apply for positions today here.


EEOC Training

All employees must complete the online Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC) self-guided training: “Preventing Discrimination & Harassment” course. You should have received an email entitled “Traliant Course Assignment” sent on August 21st from the Traliant Administrator containing instructions and a link to access the training. Every CR School employee is required to complete the training. The deadline to complete the training is September 15th.

How to Report Positive Cases of COVID-19 to the School?

The number of COVID cases and hospital admissions nationwide and locally have increased by approximately 10%, but severe illness and deaths remain low. We continue to encourage students, staff and faculty to NOT come to work or school if they are sick or have fever or flu-like symptoms; they should test for COVID. 

  • All student COVID positive cases should be reported to the teacher or campus principal and employees should report positive cases to HR and their immediate supervisor. Generally, most persons testing positive for COVID will remain home for five FULL days and return to work or school and wear a mask for day 6-10. They may also return if they provide proof of 2 negative antigen tests at least 48 hours apart.
  • We will no longer be receiving free antigen tests kits, but a supply will be available at the Security Desk, Front Office, and Student Services while they last. 
  • We also support and encourage individuals to wear a mask if they wish to do so, for their own comfort and especially if they are immunocompromised or at risk for respiratory disease. You can access the communicable disease regulations for schools here.

Questions? Contact Carmen Ramirez at [email protected].

Around Our School and Community

DC Digital Equity Coalition Survey

The DC Digital Equity Coalition Survey was administered at both Carlos Rosario School Harvard Street and Sonia Gutierrez campuses while students picked up their loaner laptops. Carlos Rosario School is a member of the DC Digital Equity Coalition, a dedicated group of organizations working together to bridge the digital divide in our city. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.

There is still time to have your voice heard and make a difference in our community! Your input will guide DC Digital Equity Coalition efforts to bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has access to affordable and reliable internet services. Survey is only for DC residents and is available in English, Spanish, French, Amharic and Chinese.

Employee/Student Success: Mirna

Mirna is a graduate of the Carlos Rosario School's ESL, Culinary Arts Training and Bilingual Teaching Assistant Training programs. Having left El Salvador 25 years ago, Mirna is on the path to realizing her American dream! She is continuing her studies and eventually hopes to find a job using her new skills. Learn more about Mirna’s story here

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

CR Bi-Weekly Bulletin Reminder

We will continue to bring important updates to you via this internal bulletin on a bi-weekly basis. Please expect to receive our CR Bulletin every other Wednesday. The next bulletin will come out on Wednesday, September 20th Remember, you can submit information and/or feature your class activities to [email protected]

Our bulletin is not possible without the contributions, support and ideas from our team members. Please consider what you’d like to share with our staff community, and encourage your team to do so. Thank you for reading the bulletin and helping to create an impactful and informative communication channel for our team.